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Everything posted by pip1968

  1. nice bit of shooting mate it great when all the practice comes together keep at em
  2. id say for the hawks with a name like spars
  3. it might be oscar x delta x charlie
  4. right lads have,nt been using the catties for a while through ill health as my hands and shoulders have been in a bad way,so feeling a bit better took the catty on a walk this morning with the dogs,shot this woody in a tree and it fell into long nettley grass and my young bull x went in and got it hence its a bit scragged i also shot a maggie chick but just left that where it dropped
  5. it will probably be nesting in that old tree,keep an eye on it and you will get some nice pics
  6. brilliant pics millet are they stills of a cam corder ie film
  7. found this locally in a hollow a few weeks back its a jackdaws nest i knew it was their and wanted to take a pic of the eggs but missd it by a few days sadly and just got the chicks and not the best of pics
  8. tbh the catty makes no difference its the accuracy of the man behind it that counts
  9. I got there in the end. TC pheww that was a hard one tbh it could have been a few birds
  10. did you see that lad on country file yesterday who walked through a field with his staffy and the cows stampeded him jumping on the dog and him he was lucky to still be alive,when im out and amongst cows im always watching my back as their not to be trusted especially when you have a dog on the lead
  11. if froch wants a war in the first few rounds i can see a groves stoppage but as the fight goes on froch has proved time and again he has that little bit extra when needed
  12. groves is getting right under frochs skin again he certainly knows how to wind him up,,,,pure class
  13. lol that will teach me to read the thread properly before posting ……….guess i aint won then huh lol you thick div
  14. it doesnt say hares it says HAIRS
  15. its a brilliant film stew,glad you liked the clip clipo
  16. im pissing myself here wait till the toffee rapper pops up
  17. was watching this and it got me thinking is this clipo
  18. mate you wont get better than them criefs they are some over trousers and keep you warm dry and are thorn proof so id stick with them
  19. where did he say we was going next time
  20. so what size carp you looking to catch or would be happy with
  21. Cheers Pip. I trust Jim. He knows the game and was starting pups on the lamp before I was born. I could of taken her out once a fortnight local messing about getting her one or two runs. Could of done more harm. Last night she learnt so much and I know that if Jim thought she wasn't ready or was struggling then we would of been in the car and home. Regardless of how far we had travelled. If we had stopped after 5 runs it would be a different story today. Me saying she barely retrieves and hunts up after missing. But as it was at the end of the night I'm over the moon. thats its gaz iv
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