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Everything posted by pip1968

  1. who are the men around the 2.00 min who bait george groves and start mouthing off
  2. signed gnash thats a disgrace what they,ve done what right have they to overrule a court
  3. times a great healer mate,but family commitments come first gutted for you
  4. I have my first cage fight next week. That budgie won't know what's hit it.

    1. keepdiggin


      he's like a parrot all talk

    2. christian71


      You will know when boots hits you club foot hahahaha

    3. pip1968


      i thought he was the budgie chris lol

    4. Show next comments  51 more
  5. ffs i didnt even ask you to suck my cock
  6. longers knock me one up then exactly like that but better
  7. no mate its my 7mth old bull x,,,,,does it look like millets dog
  8. longers how much for a catty like that as thats more my style of catty
  9. longers your turning out some stunning catties
  10. is that because i bummed you on the first date
  11. dont believe what people tell you on the internet
  12. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/boxing/27622540
  13. buttercup caused a lot of problems on this site aswell
  14. have a look for the sign milton green its on the otherside of the A41 oppisit the cheshire fisheries turn of,,or go to the first round about and do a left you will see a pub called the durham heffer on your right turn left just after it up a country lane you will see signs for hart hill
  15. Freddie Mercury had just finished his meal in a Greek restaurant when the waiter came over with a couple of plates for him to smash. "Can you go and get me another one please?" asked Freddie. "Why?" asked the waiter. "I want to break three."

    1. pip1968


      walshie the show must go on lol

    2. walshie


      You're going slightly mad.

    3. Outlaw Pete

      Outlaw Pete

      Oh f**king hell ....! LMFAO!


    4. Show next comments  51 more
  16. their was another honour killing yesterday aswell,her dad and brothers beat her to death with house bricks and just left her in the road and all this was just feet away from a pakistan government building,,,,her crime was she fell for the man she loved and not the one her dad had chosen
  17. i reckon it will make 25tts hunnie
  18. Naturally short tailed? i think someones telling a small tale
  19. do you not remember a young Froch calling calzaghe out and ripping him publicly Froch was every bit as cockey when he was young as Groves is being now its the hunger and the confidence these boys have to have to fight at such a level thats when i lost respect for froch when he said he would beat calzaghi and hes fought no one all hand picked fighters and over the hill and hes avoiding me,,,but calzaghi done a number on world champion kessler and froch gets beaten by by him
  20. i cladded them oil tanks the brown sheeted ones on the quay side a good few years back and the lads were catching plenty of mackeral of the wall on feathers and spinners
  21. hello mate their are plenty of fisheries on the A41 cheshire area its only about 40mins away once on it you have cheshire fisheries tatten hall,,miltton green,harthill which is my favourite as its very secluded and a good few more but forgot the names its just a straight road and the fisheries are all sign posted
  22. Scientists have discovered a food that diminishes a woman's sex drive by 90%. It's called Wedding Cake.

    1. Tiercel


      lol isn't that the truth.

    2. walshie


      And every ounce they eat adds 4lb to their weight.

    3. christian71


      Having a shity nose and a club foot also diminishes a womens sex drive lol

  23. you been killing with my old catty ged lol yes kev first time out in a while i had it out the other week and ws just getting used to it again but this morning i was hitting everything i shot at
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