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Everything posted by pip1968

  1. i heard they rioted because you hit a lezzer back for once
  2. thanks mate hows your mates pup coming on pm me some picks if you like
  3. you cant put up with a dog that has no drive it starts grinding on you and the more you have the dog the more you begin to hate it so i think its best for you and the dog to part company
  4. your better of asking basil brush mate he was the one who got her for me he will know all the breeding,all i know is that both parents were very good dogs by all accounts so im happy with that,its down to me now to enter her properly and see what shes got
  5. pip1968


    how long you been coeliac jai,my eldest went through a terrible time as a teenager for a good few years and was finally diagnosed with it and has to be careful where she eats and what she eats
  6. is it a lapwing chick mate but could also be probably a plover
  7. shes a very strong bitch for her size pulls my arm off when shes see,s things and to be totally honest thats probably the first rabbit shes ran by her self as most of the time shes with my other dog just learning the ropes
  8. shes just over 7mths old mate so not doing to bad,shes jumping well and loves working cover roll on the winter
  9. dont take the piss you know iv got a gammy foot
  10. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=albino+finch+pictures&newwindow=1&site=webhp&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=CYeNU5CWPMbTOY3YgbgG&ved=0CEcQ7Ak&biw=1280&bih=675
  11. id say sparrow https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=pictures+of+albino+sparrow&newwindow=1&site=webhp&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=x4WNU42DKoffOsTRgagC&ved=0CD0Q7Ak&biw=1280&bih=675
  12. i dont know who was the happiest me or the pup as i sort of gave a bit of a cheer
  13. got out nice and early this morning,just having a nice stroll through the woods chasing the odd squirrel and the dogs just mooching about like they do.i ended up walking to a horse riding school that holds a good few rabbits i had both dogs on the slip and sneaked up the bank to the fence i let both dogs go but pips slip lead got tangled and the pup was in the field by her self with rabbits running in all directions,,she ran in and singled one out and after a quick turn the rabbits was hers only a half grown but im not complaining just glad the first is out the way
  14. sorry to be the bearer of bad news but ASTANLEY cant reply to anyone so if you want to abuse the man in anyway feel free lol

  15. Yeah. It was looking at me funny. was it like the pheasant that was terrorising a postman a while back
  16. only in a glass on the bedside draw
  17. Two Pakis have fell down an old well outside my house. It's a dreadful situation they're screaming and I can't get cement delivered until tomorrow.

  18. great stuff kev your lad looks like he really enjoyed the day,,i bet that fishing club werent to happy lifting your fish off the boat at the quay side
  19. thats scouse birds for ye she used to work in a bar in allerton village that i used to drink in
  20. scot brilliant on your shoe in changing rooms and ladies toilets
  21. don't tell me that's your plates of meat in the reflection . Lol nah his has red nail varnish on
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