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little jack

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Everything posted by little jack

  1. how big are the parents, havent worked hobs mutch but remember it was more gigging
  2. if i can get a hutch might be interested, missus is bigest problem.
  3. saw some at the new forrest show last year, never got a name but all her dogs worked until the ban
  4. welcome mate, i was in strabane last week, get over once or twice a year to visit family. ps... any more pubs shut this week, every time i go one less place to get drunk.
  5. is there room in the cage for me, its costing me a fortune getting over there. if i go again in the summer might take one of the dogs at that price. heard nothing but good stuff about your service.
  6. the one i had was nearly 12months before i heard her bark, made me and her jump. after that she barked once or twice a year. she made more noise in her sleep.
  7. dont know about throwing them, found another, bit more life in it, terrier 1 doggy 0. never thought i would catch a fish with a terrier, or any dog for that matter
  8. does anyone really have any idea becouse i have spoken to a few fishermen with lots of experience and still nout.
  9. wow, to think i missed out on that, and all i did was come home and come on hear.not much to do in your neck of the woods then? or are all your pass times that creative
  10. never weighed a fish in my life, if it fits the oven tray it comes home
  11. spoke to the fellas who was fishing, all bar one had cought sodall.i am still baffled.
  12. i mainly just use the spinner so thay are not a pain for me to catch,
  13. just walked down the river and along the creek, tide on way out. and the was 6 dog fish sat on the mud 4 totally out of the water and some just in it, managed to revive 3. could this be due to the large amount of fresh water running into the creek. these fish had not been caught by fisherman. i have been walking down there for years and never seen this before, any answers please
  14. let us know how it goes. is it worth getting
  15. there is no doubt a whippet can be deadly on rats, but you cant beat a terrier bred for the job. get a russell or plummer. and the giant rats in africa, are now being used for sniffing out land mines, easy to breed mature quick very clever and a nose as good as any dog.
  16. I was out ferreting with a mate when he chopped the head off a rabbit and chucked it for his dog, the dog ate it all and loved it? I never thought of giving them the head i only found out cos i was clumsy and droped one
  17. when i was skinning rabbits my ghound loved the heads. just chop it off he loved them, fish heads aswell
  18. when i first got my lurcher bitch she showed every sign of wanting to work. but after a few try's it was clear all she wanted to do was chase and not catch i was gutted to say the least, but when i take a dog on its for life, so what to do with her. my whippet was getting on but still putting food on the table and the g/h was company for the whippet. the lurcher didnt like any of them. but one night when i was at work i got a call from the missus that dog of yours is sat by the cot growling what should i do, so i said chuck her in the garden will be back soon. as she opend the door the
  19. i like the positive outlook, a walk to see how MY rabbits are doing. nice vid,
  20. not one for hairy dogs normaly but that lighter dog is a cracker
  21. i used to have a whippet bitch i could call off if need be. eg, to far on the airport or train comming. we wasnt serius hunters, mooching about or bolting a few with the ferret. but she never failed to catch if their was a bunny above ground.
  22. no bother. some friends are members. their ment to be very helpful
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