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Everything posted by elchopchop

  1. hey, yes I would eventually like a pup for myself and I wouldn't breed a litter without securing a good few homes for them first. I have bred terriers previously both jack russells and patterdales so I am no stranger to breeding in general but I have never bred from longdogs or sighthounds before. I do plan on bringing my boy on in the meantime and plan to start looking whats out there probably at the end of the year. My question was merely to give me a new angle to consider when selecting the breeding of my bitch. personally i wouldn't go down the road of buying a bitch, i would be concentr
  2. yep, I get that, which is why i'm looking to wait till the end of the year before I look for a bitch. in the time between my dog will be coursing, he's decent enough now but with the time spent bringing him on I can see how he develops. Obviously if he turns out crap then I wont be looking to breed 'coursing pups' from him, i'm hoping that he comes on leaps and bounds but time will tell...
  3. hey, yes I would eventually like a pup for myself and I wouldn't breed a litter without securing a good few homes for them first. I have bred terriers previously both jack russells and patterdales so I am no stranger to breeding in general but I have never bred from longdogs or sighthounds before. I do plan on bringing my boy on in the meantime and plan to start looking whats out there probably at the end of the year. My question was merely to give me a new angle to consider when selecting the breeding of my bitch.
  4. Why would it not be serious?? just asking for suggestions from someone a little more knowledgeable in this area...
  5. Yeah, i'd had saluki suggested to me before, that and saluki/whippet but I thought that may bring the size of the pups down somewhat, i'm thinking saluki/greyhound might be a better option but dont know anyone thats got one so dont know how they do on the course...
  6. Whats up people?!? I currently own a Longdog (pure sighthound cross) He is coming up to 14 months old and I have had him since he was 10 weeks. I have taken him to various country and game fairs in my local area and discovered that he has a knack for lure coursing. He hasnt done anything serious, just a few runs on straight courses. I've since been told by various people 'in the know' that if I ever mated my dog names would be on lists well in advance for pups to bring on. I have been thinking about getting another Longdog for a while now (probably at the end of the year) and thought i'd a
  7. hey mate, i'm in cheshire as well - where abouts are you? What you into, shooting coursing etc...
  8. hey, i'm in cheshire mate, I have looked into the legal side of things already, to be honest thats the first thing I did! My father-in-law is good friends with a couple of farmers so permission shouldnt be a problem but thanks for the heads up - yeah if I got the dog confiscated on my first time out the mrs would most certainly have what you might call 'a jeffrey dahmer moment' about that haha!!
  9. thanks for the replys guys - I will look into it. A bloke who I know from my local pub actually used to be a game keeper on a local country park, I have sat and had a jar or 4 with him and found that whenever I tried to broach the subject with him he was very reluctant to tell me anything, maybe I should ply him with whiskey rather than lager haha! Anyways cheers for the responses and I will let you know how I get on!
  10. Hey guys, just joined up and am looking for some tips and advice on rabbiting with dogs. I have recently become the proud owner of 'Marley' (named after Bob Marley NOT the shite film) a 9 week old deerhound x bedlington (his dad is a deerhound x saluki greyhound and mum is a deerhound x bedlington greyhound) Although he is a family pet I would like to get him into some rabbiting as I live in the countryside and there are lots of tracks and woods etc nearby with a plentiful supply of the critters. I have never worked a dog before and dont know how to start out so if anyone has any advice or tip
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