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Everything posted by jet77

  1. Best of luck with the breeding two fine animals
  2. Nice pup lad best of luck
  3. Great day out jack ur first race was a belter that hare was flying it But da bitch stept up a gear class act
  4. Good man cap it would of been hard to see dog run when van was parked in opsite way to field also there was a couple of turns in corner of field with bitch a bad run alright but not straight lined but wat I did say is there was no hares caught that day stay of da beer lad
  5. All the best lads happy Xmas good luck 2015
  6. Well done lads good going
  7. Well done sailor for putting the land on and a good night out in Sunderland lol I heard ye had a good laugh All dogs ran well fair play lads
  8. After watching some clips of this dog top class best luck rest of season fen
  9. What a great day and a great crowd turned up good crack
  10. All ready for the show tomorrow it's going to be a great day out good luck to all competitors
  11. Looking forward to this show will be a great day out
  12. young socks coming on nicely now mad wee things him and squirt pup
  13. Bitch looking well nephew has brother to her very happy with him atb coming season
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