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Everything posted by matt1979

  1. Up at 530ish for a wander before walk, love the fact you never see a sole and settled the dogs for the day until a wander later in the evening after work
  2. Just down the road so will be there Sunday, does anyone know what time the racing is ? cheers
  3. Any running dog that hits a tough object like a tree head on Is living a charmed life and we should be thankfully if they survive. But to think it's breed specific and a whippet would have died in the same scenario as opposed to a lurcher surviving is fooling yourself in my eyes, purely down to luck. A millimetre the other way on impact and it's goodnight for any running dog no matter what stature. Yes some are more robust than others some have better feet than others but when it comes to a big collision it's purely like as to where they impact and how they fall IMO
  4. I Like this recent one taken in the sunshine atb
  5. I have a little whippet x with a touch of collie and grew sounds ideal for want your after, sure if you bide your time something will pop up. Pic of him around 21tts he has been very biddable to date and is a pleasure to own, not sure if that is because of the collie in him tbh
  6. I once preped a batch of 50 Yorkshire puddings for a Christmas meal at school. Left them to cool over night on the worktop and returned in the morning to find 4 left one of which was Half eaten. Two very guilty but bloated dogs tucked up in their beds, strange thing is they never nicked another thing since or before that incidence. I take this memory as a great advert for my Yorkshire puds but at the time I was less than amused atb
  7. Few recent ones from local outings atb
  8. Few recent ones out with the sunshine on our backs atb
  9. Think you will find Staffies are by far the most common breed in rescue centres nowadays. Yes you get some terriers and lurchers but no where near the ammount compared with bull breeds atb
  10. There are things you can do as suggested to help but Imo it should be natural thing to do, if a dog needs encouraging to enter cover that is breed for bushing then something is wrong. Maybe I have been lucky but the ones I have had (all terriers) have never needed encouraging especially if there is stuff around and Iam talking from a very early age Getting them out around scent early and honing there skills and hopefully having some fun is the key In my eyes atb
  11. Just a quick update on the little fella, as we enjoy the summer rest and start to prepare for more challenging action next season. Alfie is now aound 14 month old and has levelled out at around 22tts, been out plenty of times last season just mooching alongside the little pack we take out and he has acquitted himself well for a young dog. Had a couple of scraps with things he shouldn't and been laid up a couple of times already, but nothing too serious. He had a tack through his front left foot a few weeks back but hasn't bothered him after the initial haling process. He remains a great little
  12. Another mention for Autarky good food for the money imo, I changed to it about a year ago and the dogs are all doing well on it, supplemented with some mince etc atb
  13. This little fella is mainly whippet with a touch of grey and collie, very early days but he looks like he could be decent enough for my general mooching and he is a tryer that's for sure. I personally think the touch of both collie and grey make good additions, he is certainly good for me anyway atb What sort of size is he Matt? Think he has settled out at 22tts which I am happy with, better more recent pic atb
  14. This little fella is mainly whippet with a touch of grey and collie, very early days but he looks like he could be decent enough for my general mooching and he is a tryer that's for sure. I personally think the touch of both collie and grey make good additions, he is certainly good for me anyway atb
  15. Always amazes me how people question other people's ways of doing things without seeing in the flesh. Just because a terrier or any other dog doesn't pile in doesn't mean anything in relation to effort. We regularly hunt with 6 or 7, yes occasionally they have a tussle but few and far between, we have one terrier that has no interest in anything that any other dog catches, but different dog if she gets there first and 8 or 9 times out of 10 she is first there in cover. Do I question her commitment because she does rag anything or pile in? Not chance she just knows it's job done and is on her b
  16. My old man uses Sebastian at pool farm vets in Betley (not far from Nantwich at all), although years ago he used a vet in Nantwich that specialised in greyhounds not sure who or if they still practice though. You wont go far wrong with the vets in Betley, I used to live close by and they have always been decent and treated various work related injuries for me and my old man at various time with no problems atb
  17. Fair enough good luck with them seen some nice terrier x spaniels on threads. I can't for the life of me see why they would take less stick than a terrier tbh unless they weren't entering with the same enthusiasm. A lot depends on the type of terrier and coat, in truth the little terrier I have hasn't got the best coat so takes a bit of stick (never slowed her though) but bro has borders and there coat is top notch and offers some serious protection through cover far better coat than any spaniel type I have ever seen atb
  18. Depends where in Shropshire i know a vet on Shropshire Cheshire border (near j16 m6) that is decent and understands the score with working dogs. If you want more info let me know cheers
  19. What do you use instead? And how do they avoid the same damage genuine question as I get your point atb
  20. 2 completely different dogs by the looks of the pictures to be fair atb
  21. Just because a dog is indoors doesn't mean it has to have the run of the house. If they are allowed to roam about, use furniture for beds etc then I think it would be hard work keeping a clean house. But if your sensible about it then it isn't hard to live with them indoors. All my dogs have always lived in my utility rooms, first thing I look for in a house lol clean your dogs down after each walk (which should be done whether in or out and then make sure they have there own area for sleeping and drying off. I have a bouvier big thick coated stinking dog, but clean properly and no issues. Per
  22. It is a bit of falicy how quick whippets are in my eyes any decent racy bred lurcher will outpace one even over short distances. But then lurchers are generally considerably bigger than a whippet in fairness I am not knocking whippets I own a whippety lurcher, but against larger lurchers he gets left behind. That said he is plenty quick enough for the bunnies, fits in the boot, eats less, shites smaller and attracts less attention atb
  23. Regularly go hunting with 7 in the pack, will grab some pictures usually included 2 x lurchers, 2 x border terriers, 1 x Russell, 1 x sporting Lucas, 1 x schnauzer. Cover some miles and have some fun, never have any bother between them to be honest. Joined occasionally by my uncles farm collie that tags along. Best way of hunting in my eyes, I do a bit of lamping etc but not the same without the little dogs flying about, I guess I enjoy it so much because i got dragged along with my old man as a kid atb
  24. Eyes close together at the front doesn't just mean you can see forwards it means the eyes work together to form accurate distance and focus, essential for a good strike atb
  25. different scenario ... Pull it out, doesn't want to come out pull harder nick a few more blood capillaries maybe a ligament or tendon, rinse it out as best you can, tiny bit of debri left in come a week infection in foot dog or worse. Probably unlikely but certainly possible, dog out of action for a while. Vets done it a hundred times I haven't is it honestly worth the added risk? When I have spent best part of a year bringing the pup on for hopefully seasons to come. My family have kept running dogs for generations, I asked my old mans opinion and my uncles who have both seen more work than m
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