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Everything posted by hodgypig

  1. it was even on watchdog to much packaging and not enough chocolate
  2. this is khan jihad the grandsire to my pup and the sire to my dads dog
  3. I would rather have 16 eggs than 1 are you all mad lol :laugh: :laugh: more chocolate but 16 would probalby make you sick lol :bad: :bad: :bad:
  4. at least the son lived but its still sad :cray: :cray: :cray:
  5. go on paint open the photo and it says resize on the left and how big you want them thats what you do and about 500 goes on here finely or if you experiment you can get about the right size and it wont be to big of file
  6. my dad has a first cross saluki greyhound from khan and i have a saluki whippet greyhound from khan and my dads dog here is a picture of my pup
  7. the mother and father have both had big and little bunnys
  8. thank you ive had him since he was 7 weeks old ive looked after him ever since the day i got him
  9. hes had one or two easy rabbits out ferreting Sounds good, bet he turns out well and fills the pot. Atb lad JD thank you jd
  10. hes had one or two easy rabbits out ferreting
  11. ally is now 7 and a half months old he's a saluki whippet greyhound doing well and started to get muscle he's sitting,jumping,and retrieving he's also alright with the ferrets he doesnt mind horse's but havent seen a sheep but i will have to get my dad to take me and ally near them to get him use to them
  12. oh crap wheres me keys sh*t ive lost me phone
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