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Everything posted by choo-choo

  1. flights to northern england are cancelled again due to another dust cloud, it is widely believed the recent opening of the LIVERPOOL trophy cabinet is the cause of the delays .
  2. he'd have been the dogs balls when lamping many moons ago
  3. nice dog mac , but prefer the dock longer
  4. for lent i have decided to give up sexual innuendos...... its so f*****g hard :)

  6. malt has a thread in the general section and it will tell you how to use photo bucket hop this helps you. i use it all the time danny dont know why its doing this try and resize the pics they could be still to big new lead for christmas Al
  7. ffs iceman you hunting big ears in the summer ya must have some dogs Danny l just wind ppl up fs be do love that word respect they all use on here so you dont hunt during the summer then he does and so do a lot of others hes not on his own l dont go hunting in the summer but do walk the mountain in the summer nights to free run the dogs gets the summer in but dont go out my way to hunt. whatever :whistling: :whistling:
  8. not acting a cnut al but i thought " bridging" went out of style in the 70's early 's
  9. i use the sticks for bridgeing look after ur earths and they will look after u ... i dug a fox a few weeks ago in an earth i dug last year took a few spades of soil out then out wit my bridgh and there was adog fox then come back in years time to a nice grater in the farmers field
  10. granny got me a gillette for crimbo when i was 16 ...................didnt start shaving till i was 20
  11. know plenty that run hares in the snow
  12. strong looking dog best of luck with him
  13. some healthy , strong looking dogs there. they are a credit to yas
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