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Stuart Rope

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Everything posted by Stuart Rope

  1. Mate my heart gos out to u and ur family its ashame as we gt so attached to them so quick
  2. Wat a load ah shite fair play with the trespass bit but the rest was SHITE !!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Any news on pup ox n sorry to hear that mate atb Stuart
  4. I am by no means a terrier man but my father Was and he had a white lakie out of Middletons nettle Dnt no wat 1 though and she put me off earth work i was helping my father n his mates digg years ago and as wee broke through lucy was lying dead tangled with a dead Brock n a big half dead 1 in the tunnel behind her and i herd a few guys say most middltons of old lines were bred to kill/or be killed in a hole i was 9 and heart broken and as i said put me off earth work for good
  5. I Dnt no Wat others think mate but id say for same reason we Dnt uz am-bull it would have a head like a brick heavy bones probably a good badger dog if not illegal but i can't see anything else on the plus side ud get that the bullx already hasn't. N i've told u im wanting a wolfhound x chuia but defow a wolfhound sire x chuia dam. I imagine this would suit me lol n atb with the whirrier mate
  6. Can a just let say i have an am-bull. Bitch. 3yr nc24tts. And she's had a more than a few what people don't realise is there's 2strains/type JOHNSONS. AND PERFORMANCE johnsons are big. Bears couldn't catch a cold but excellent guard dogs but the performance/Scott type are bred for boar and such and are on the ball 100% of the time i take mine ferreting/longnetting sometimes!! and tbh i don't think my Lurcher pup would have picked it up as quick without her. I would never take her out solo for a rabbiting session but she's handy to have around. And presa x wateva next why try and cr
  7. Cream and fawn but mite go darker wee cracker [bANNED TEXT] atb with the litter
  8. Ma [bANNED TEXT] had sspca up complaining they had reports his dog haddent left the kennel/backdoor in 2 weeks and it could be heard whining/squeaking and faint barking. He agreed to there comments and as they opened there notebooks to write sumthing down he opened his large shed door to reveil his 15 day old litter oh pups. Neva looked at the teets 1s. I do agree with wat these people/orginisations do (most of the time) as theres some sick idiots out there who dont no how to look after a hamstter never mind a dog or dnt feed or excercise them even moving n leaving the dogs/cats behind. But a
  9. A guy oan here runs a whippxchiuawaxyorki it stands 17 tts
  10. Ages away mate ull fuk the growth plates
  11. Did u gt the ferret fae paisley by any chance
  12. Ive always been told not 2 much walking for a young pup as it damages groath plates/bones im kinda new to this game my pups 13 month and a few guys helped me also check previous posts as theres a good few so imo id take it easy and try and build a bond [bANNED TEXT] building muscle atb stuart
  13. I leave food all day but im out working so have to and I take mine out about 8/9 month but hear people start younger and older
  14. Imo your hutch cant be to big. Say 5/6 foot by 2 you judge the height I find hinged lid hutches best as easyr to clean put bits of drain pipe and things to keep them occupied [bANNED TEXT] your no there atb stuart
  15. The 1 I gt is- duz ur big dog (3yr am bull 26tts) eat all the little ones food (13 month saluki/grey x whippet 23tts) when your not looking. I usualy sigh and walk away n the odd time say my piece [bANNED TEXT] walking away
  16. Get purdeys progress dvd it helped me out bigtime [bANNED TEXT] ma pups trainins a pleasure cant wait till his first season to put it to use all the best n p.s look on old posts they shud answer a few questions too
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