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Everything posted by LeeV692

  1. First Kill!!! So after finally receiving my FAC I went to my RFD and purchased my shiny new CZ 455 thumbhole laminate. Yesterday I took it out to my permission and spent an hour zeroing it in and putting some rounds through it. Just before dark I crept into position in a field. I positioned myself on a bank by a small river about 30 metres from a set of rabbit holes in a hedgerow. After an hour....nothing!! To make matter worse the connection had come lose on the pressure switch for my LED LENSER ...so now I had to keep wiggling the wires to try and get the bloody thing to turn on!
  2. Thanks for the replys guys. It's much appreciated. Going to collect the gun tomorrow:) what ammo does people recommend??
  3. Hi guys I've been told my fac is in the post.. Should be here tomorrow:) I have been offered a brand new cz 455 varmint thumb hole laminate 22 for £375 from my local RFD. Has anyone Got one of these or know if this is a good deal. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks Lee
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