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Everything posted by crazyfrog

  1. sad but true ,the bull x is as common as an arsehole and are getting noticed at shows smashed to bits and young lads thinking its great.the young lads that have them are only out for blood and carnage and getting everybody else noticed.Back in the day we would breed terrier or lurchers and keep a select few amongst our selves .no body local would get 1 for love nor money.that what should have been done with most the dogs nowadays instead its a get rich quik scheme ,lets sell tom dick and harry a big headed bull x and watch them ruin the countryside.
  2. the huntsman should have been well back!!!!! fox bolted and hounds sent away again .especialy young hounds been full of beans ,but as said they would have been put in same hole!!
  3. had a teckel myself bout 10 year back suppose to be bred off the best stuff .NEVER AGAIN..would come away from fox if getting to much hassle of them.i,ll give them there due they hunt like fxck but get there knobs get stuck while going through sheep fencing ,plus when they get near a dry stone wall there fxcked,when i phoned the breeder and told him this problem he said not to worry they ,ll get over most obsticles or dig under,lol
  4. well before the scottish ban came in use to have between 4 to 6 a night single or doubled up.seen some good dogs over years running on all types of terrain.
  5. good luck with sale mate ,worth that money all day ,had 1 for years rough as dogs bollocks but shot straight everytime.exceptional foxing rifle.
  6. read the sean frainn 1 ..its more fictional than harry potter!!!
  7. i dont think the sun shines out his arse mate no, but i have spoke to him a couple a times about this subject an he says the same thing everytime, in the past he sold dogs, he had a family to feed an had a surplus pups when breeding for himself, so why not, i dont sell pups, but i dont judge somebody for it, he aint bred anything recently, tho he has let folk use his stud dog, if folks wanna breed terriers for show then so be it.. i cant talk for what he charges other folk, but he asked me how much i thought a working terrier was worth i named a price an he halved that an sold me a bitch a
  8. it sure is up to them what they do .but when there breeding shite and using names it comes up in bad light does it not??don,t really care how mant litters he has bred in last couple of years etc.or how much he charges nowadays .But please feel free to enlighten me with the dogs he has bred in last season or 2 that actually see graft.or are you just a nother person who thinks the sun shines out of his arse.
  9. what a lot a pish, a mate of mine has been waiting for a pup off gary for almost a year now, if he was a peddlar surely he woulda had a pup by now, an i waited 18months for my bitch,an that was 5 years ago ffs, easy to tell lies about an old man who aint on the web to defend himself you sound jealous to me jealous .ha ha far from it mate.theres lads up in cumbria thats breeding off 2 non workers and churning them out for 250 to 300 pound a pup never working them just travelling up and down the country chasing the rossettes ,middleton doing the same .last time he dug was weeds in garde
  10. don,t usaually post on here unless i read something of interest.Now this topic has grabbed my attention.simply because middleton nowadays does only do shows and sells numerous amounts of pups .maybe not out of his kennels ,but believe me he does.he is also known to buy litters off people and sell them using his name FACT.now back to the dogs in the cumbria area ,round shows etc.you can,t tell the difference between dogs and bitches .most have monkey faces and 75% will never see graft.FACT,most guys in the cumbrian area now are all money motivated and would,nt think about getting there little f
  11. dog 2 years old not broken to stock !!but has been tried out in the field?????basically the dog has been threw in the deep end got bit, spewed and now takes winnits of the quarrys arse.same old ,same old.the dogs won,t no its arse from its elbow ..as said still immature ,basically should have been chasing bunnies for a lot longer .all the best with the dog mate and hope he turns out alright.
  12. what was the father to that dog mate ?
  13. good night lads and a fair few bunnys put to rest :victory:
  14. andy ,b.m slave,chud,sqeaky,ostle, loads more names where putting a lot of game away bbefore internet and photos made a differnece.they had top dogs tht could do the damage at night single or doubled up ...andys young boys are doing the damage on rabbits with young dogs but people keep insulting them.whats seems to be the problem????if there from cumbria but go to yorkshire dales to prove there dogs must be 2 hour drive at least !!!plus they have nothing to prove to any f****r on here what they catch but they put pic up of a nights lamping...with out some pics this site would be f****d ...i no
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