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Lewis Ste

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Everything posted by Lewis Ste

  1. Alright il separate them tomorrow when I take them to my girlfriends where her brother keeps ferrets as well
  2. I've got 2 pregnant Jill's both about to drop their kits. They are a mother and daughter pair and never left each other since the daughter was born. Do a keep them together or put them in separate cages until after? I was thinking if they were in together they might of shared the young but I got told they might try and eat each others ? Lewis
  3. I keep telling myself my next gun is a Aa s410 super light carbine in hunters green. Oh what a gun that is! I held one in a shop and fell in love with it. I'd get it in .177 as .22 is a bit tricky to master at hights (for my inexperienced mind anyway) but I think second hand they are about 450 with an extra 50 for pump
  4. Looks nice I thought about getting one for mine but then didn't really paying a100 quid for a hutch
  5. Another word I could of used is smell
  6. My albino hob during the winter months I a snowy white thing but during the summer months his coat goes to sh*t and starts to gain and yellowy ginger coat a new scene as he always smells worse in the summer than he does winter. From what I've been told and seen if he in with other females it will bring them in even after they have had the jab. Just my experience with ferrets not had them all only a few years but could be wrong Lewis
  7. I was out ferreting with a mate when he chopped the head off a rabbit and chucked it for his dog, the dog ate it all and loved it? I never thought of giving them the head
  8. I have seen things from his stock and wasn't to impressed. Not heard many good things from his dogs except puppy peddling?
  9. if you have no permission of your own, how did you become an EXPERIENCED pest control expert Well you see I spend all my time on here reading about shooting so that makes me an expert and asking for permission instead of being out hunting on my own permission Much love Arun
  10. I've made a few hutches and corts in the past for my ferrets and one golden rule is check check and check again for any holes they might be able to get through because they will. I've lost a few ferrets because I hadn't seen the holes I'd got them all back but you might to be so lucky
  11. If she has been put back with a hob which is in season the scene then he can give off will cause the female to come back in Lewis
  12. I've seen two dogs fight over a rabbit pulled it in two then ate each half whole with skin on lmao Lewis
  13. My mate was going to have a litter off his bitch the collie grey whippet deerhound with a whippet grey and I would of had one as I've seen the bitch work cause he's a trained keeper and beats with her all the time but he isn't having any now
  14. I would have the two if I could but at the moment it's not possible one will be a push but I love lurchers and wouldn't have anything else until I get my shot gun licence
  15. Yeah I think il get a collie x i need something that's going to be bomb proof on these shoot days and plenty of training will pick up. I know a lot of you are thinking why doesn't he buy a gun dog because I still want to run it
  16. Oh didn't know that andy but could they not do the first one and have it sent to a gunsmiths at his cost?
  17. right lads i want to know your opinions on what breeds to have in a dog. i do a few beats with the shoot to earn a few quid so need something that will have good recall, obetiant and will retrieve. it will mainly been running rabbits with the ferrets and lamping but i want something thats not scared to bite back. the cross i had in mind is a collie grey x deer hound whippet. my mate has one of these but its to timid and small for anything that fights back lewis
  18. could you not have the ultra sent to a local gunsmiths to have it detuned then given back to you? or have the gun given to a friend who has an fac get them to take it to a gunsmiths and detune then "buy" it back off them?
  19. If only I could sell my super sport and would of had this off you, I only live down in Yarm near Stockton
  20. I'm offering my BSA super sport with nikko sterling scopes plus £200 for a pcp air rifle preferably in .177 What have you guys got?
  21. go second hand for your budget, iv got a tidy supersport for sale a great little break barrel and a well known brand
  22. How accurate is it? Would you post?
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