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Lewis Ste

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Everything posted by Lewis Ste

  1. I was going to buy brand new when trading in my s16 rob just keeping it simple
  2. I'm getting an s400 mike I decided! Unles something else comes up that's better I'm getting that and just swapping the bolt over. The scorpion can't match the s400 on competition wins
  3. Yess java! My mam was wondering why I was chopping the brush up so I don't her and he didn't understand so I didn't hear anything again haha very easy to make davey only need a saw and drill and drill bit mine worked a treat
  4. We are both left handed so a hw100 wouldn't work Thum hold is Ambi sonny But the cocking lever is placed on the right hand side so would be awkward so for spending 600 pound I would like something feel comfortable shooting
  5. A gun putting out 9lbs would be plenty for shooting in barns I wouldn't worry about more power bud
  6. We are both left handed so a hw100 wouldn't work
  7. Cheer java thanks for the info, my s16 needs a service then after than I might look to swap or sell the gun because I have saved up around £250-300 so should be able to get a tidy little gun with it all, I was thinking of then ultra, scorpion or possibly r10 if a cheap enough one comes up then aa s410 but hopefully get a tidy scope with it as well all before the October meet Lewis
  8. Put a search in google asif you were wanting to buy one not the most common rifle on here so don't think you will get many replies Atb Lewis
  9. Nice looking rifle that bud! I think my dream rifle would be the s410 in hunters green because you can get the bolt swapped over for left us like myself, the s510 is the same as the hw100 action so is no good. I'm quite jealous I'm not a righty Atb lewis
  10. Looks a very smart rifle!
  11. There was a topic about this a couple of weeks ago if you look back Lewis
  12. i did look at one but i like the wood more,cheers bud atb symon I'd agree the plastic thumbhole would be my choice as there is a new .22 one on a Facebook page for 270 but I am very tempted when I get back from my holiday Lewis
  13. Would make a nice hft rifle that, looks nice not my type of style tho Well done, lewis
  14. I'm not sure because I haven't started my apprentership yet so don't know the crack but I should be able to sort something out Put me down on the list Davy Lewis
  15. Near Stockton it's called yarm but could meet you anywhere to be honest, I'd be more that happy to share the fuel but what time as I'd have to see because I'm not sure what doing work wise yet after 1 should be fine I think Lewis
  16. Iv smooved a tick in vaseline before and the next day it's been gone next had a problem the ferrets still healthy and living the last one I had I used spot on both worked the only reason I didn't use it the first time and it's expensive stuff if you dont have it
  17. Yeah it's called an extra big one haha I sure there will be some one to fit it I've never bothered with them and stuck it in my sports bag
  18. 1x combat 95 waterproof combat jacket size large £15 4x multicam trousers size 1 large 2x multicam waterproof trousers size m-l £15 Could I have some pictures sent to lewisste11111@hotmail.com Thank you, lewis
  19. There's a guy called the air gun doctor who services them I think don't get me wrong il be looking to trade it in when iv got a few penny's together
  20. Them spitfires are shocking they arnt worth the air your putting in the gun, after the service I might keep mine it's a nice gun very underrated
  21. Just digging a hole now.
  22. Sorry, you implied he was one. Massive difference. I still wouldn't say it to him in my eyes its being disrespectful when it's not needed Lewis
  23. Heres a forum for ya www.lunatics.com Bang out of order telling a man who is willing to put his life on the line while you sit at home all cosy that he's a lunatic, have some respect there's no need for that. Lewis
  24. They wouldnt fill my bottle up in store because it's not tested so it took me on and off for the best part of an hour pumping the f*ucker up, mine needs a service now tho think a few of the seal are starting to go. What pellets are you using?
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