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Lewis Ste

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Everything posted by Lewis Ste

  1. Ferrets moult like any other animals I wouldn't worry about it to much Lewis
  2. I was getting sub inch groups from prone unsupported today with my hw97k so I was happy with that but hitting a pin head at that range your doing something right Lewis
  3. 6-8month + dependant on size and build Lewis
  4. About 6 ferrets under one blanked all snuggled up, I think they will all be toasty in a foot of snow. Aslong as there's a couple of them they will e fine Lewis
  5. Yeah off this forum, it's been venom tuned as well so shoots sweet as! Bit tatty on the outside but I plan on restoring it soon Lewis
  6. Get a hw97 I managed to get one for 145 the other day, you probably won't get one as cheap as that but will for 200 Lewis
  7. I got a hw97k in .22 the other day and love it... That's all I'm saying Lewis
  8. No, a roof rack mike because they are always useful on a convertable Lewis
  9. I think il start on the refurb of mine next week, I don't want to take it apart tho. I don't want to stop shooting it Lewis
  10. Love my hw97k already, shot a feral shooting at about 27yards and another feral and woody. My and a my girlfriends brother were fighting over who had it Lewis
  11. How did you remove all the pitting daryll? Lewis
  12. Think of there bones? Still growing so still weak and quite brittle. Do you think it could withstand a good kicking of a buck rabbit? I don't work mine until 6month+ and even then they only get a half day if that Lewis
  13. I will have to try these Pellets in my hw97k using crosman premier ultra magnum at the moment and working fine going to test them out at longer ranges tomorrow but they are he only pellets I have might buy a sample pack of these Lewis
  14. Great result with the Hw97 can't wait to get mine out properly tomorrow. just like my little cousins, they wear all their best sealand camouflage and were their bright blue hoodies up then say look lee there's a pigeon my answer is "yeah that's the one you scared off haha" Lewis
  15. What about a roof rack to put his guns on the convertible? That makes more sence Lewis
  16. You mean your bargain 97... lucky git lol. That's the one our lass thought it was abit strange getting up at 9am when neither of us had to do anything haha an hour later we were on our way to pick up the gun. Externally it's abit rough but internally it's spot on venom tuned and appantly still bedding in a sand down and a little tlc with it and it will be spot on, I did a little rubbing down on the bluing but I just wanted to shoot it do I put it back in the stock and shot it some more. Can't wait to get out tomorrow sight it in properly and possibly chrisin the gun on my permissio
  17. I use them in my s16 and new Hw97k I get one hole groups in the s16 at 30yards and very good groups with them in the hw97k at 23yards in windy conditions (only range iv tested them at) Lewis
  18. I'm sure there will be some soon mike! First is to treat the stock to a nice rub down and stain and the bluing could do with a top up but il put some pics and a little write up in the next couple of days Lewis
  19. Stick with the BSA it may be abit underpowered but it's still got a BSA barrel so should get some level of accuracy from it Lewis
  20. Iv just bought one now put a few shots through it felt great cant wait to have a shoot with it when I get back home Lewis
  21. Just picked the gun up, top bloke to deal with. Thanks a lot Lewis
  22. I will have this off you tomorrow I live near Stockton il send you a pm now Lewis
  23. What you agreed to be was a 'trader' asin they can post guns to you as you have a licence to have a firearm and you could sell them on again to other people, I think. Somebody may tell you otherwise, Lewis
  24. Mine won't touch them unles I take the breast off and then chop them up but my little kits will savage anything demolished a rabbit down to the bone in a couple of days Lewis
  25. That's why a always take a hob out with me, the kills may be good bolters but the hob doesn't get pushed around! Lewis
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