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Lewis Ste

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Everything posted by Lewis Ste

  1. If you are zeroed at 30 with a .22 then shot a rabbit at 35 you would probably need a mil dot holdover but if you were to shoot at 20yards you might need some hold under best way to find out is on paper. Stick some targets out at different ranges and work out what ranges need what hold over but remember if you zero with x10 2 mil dots will mean only 1 on x5 On my hawke scope it was zeroed at 30 then every 5 yards was a mil dot on x10 Or an easier way is buy a hawke scope get an iPhone download the chair gun app find your retical find out the power of the rifle with your pellet an
  2. Are you planning on shooting them out trees or on the ground? If its on the ground there should be know problem I know a few lads who shoot most there crows with rifles
  3. If your wanting a work horse not a show piece then an fac rapid preanti tamper so you could fin out what power levels work well for the ranges. That's what I'd go for anyway
  4. Just got my hob the snip and cost me 60
  5. I was thinking about this today and thought it wouldn't be to hard 20mm tube few washers as baffles 6mm drilled out tube inside rapped in felt and a big nut that would be welded on the end so it can be screwed on
  6. Liver fluke or 'Coccidiosis' Are the bad cases of this really spotty white liver what does it do to the meat is it still okay? I thought it was just early mixi? Thanks, Lewis
  7. I think that's just showing off and should give me one.
  8. Otherwise how fast can you do the 100m when I was 14 13secones wasn't to bad but being serious what the other guys said
  9. Did the miss' find out you already bought a gun
  10. They do them in walnut skot few year I may get one
  11. How far is the land from your house?
  12. Great second pic, I'd have my barrel pointing at cheryl to
  13. I've just got me self an ultra and yeah you can stick a scorpion tube in but it's abit awkward to fit a silencer I think...
  14. Still reckon I could run the 100m or 10k faster and squat more than you haha
  15. All right smart arse just need afew adaptations and twill be fine, give me hacksaw and drill il make it fit and okay maybe a welder to
  16. Yeah, you tell em yoof innit! Most of these old men are just frustrated because they are stuck in a boring job to come home to a overweight women who hasnt made his tea yet and by the time they are in bed and finally got it up their over half is already snoring and no use nor ornament to them... Atb yoof, peace out brothers Aww had another acne breakout have we? Ooooooo that's a good one, shame I don't get any :/ I think the old men need to stop being jealous about what they used to have "knees that actually work and a back that can bend" so they are able to go out hun
  17. Get down to your local police station and ask for the form you should get one no problem if it's only FAC air and need one for work purposes
  18. Yeah, you tell em yoof innit! Most of these old men are just frustrated because they are stuck in a boring job to come home to a overweight women who hasnt made his tea yet and by the time they are in bed and finally got it up their over half is already snoring and no use nor ornament to them... Atb yoof, peace out brothers
  19. This is a great idea of cutting the younger generation out of the sport and leaving them in the dark when it come to questions that could be answered by more experienced hunters such as half the oap's on the site. It's simple ban the annoying little f*uckers of the site and stop being prejudice and sterotyping all of us "kids" as badens like most the oap's of today's sussity. Lewis, aged 17
  20. Keep them both I know I would lmao
  21. Haha sly dog, always one with the dirty mind tut tut
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