Hope thats not you diving in the pool then cause you've no f*****g chance.......
I don't quite understand where you got diving in the pool from? Squat being weight lifting what I ment
Some nice pictures there bud! What's the gun in the top picture?
Am I still alright to get a lift down to the meet with with you? And if so what the petrol costs guna be so I can get some money put aside
Thanks, lewis
You don't have a drill? Ever heard of Aldi? I don't buy my tools from them but they are dirt cheap, my girlfriends grandad has some Aldi tools in the shed but refuses to let me touch them. Il stick to my dads (who's a Joiner) tools.
You can still stalk rabbits at 30 yards with a rimfire you know
Could stalk a rabbit to 30yards with a 308 I wouldn't advise it but I bet someone's tried
To be granted a fac you need good reason and at the moment you don't really have a reason to have one. If I was you I'd buy an air rifle keep asking around for permission then once you have secured some then apply. You will be a better hunter if you can stalk rabbits at 30 yards not 60.
Find a popular tree, slit rabbit and a crow decoy. They don't normally land munch straight away but will look for higher ground to check out the situation