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Lewis Ste

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Everything posted by Lewis Ste

  1. good video lads! si where did you get the camera mount on top of the scope from? im going to try a go out and get a few clips of a bit of rabbit shooting tomorrow using a tripod next to me lewis
  2. I'm 17 a got abit, go out a just ask but dressed smartly so respectable someone will give you a break soon enough
  3. £2.49?!?!? I'd rather write it in notes
  4. Get some h&n ftt 5.53 or 4.53 dependant on calibre and tell us how you get on
  5. nice write up that bud, stick a pic of the gun and prizes up if you can i like the hw90
  6. Or could buy a pcp set up BSA ultra, AA s200 or s400 all for under 300 and 50 for pump
  7. Try some different pellets my supersport would be fine out to 25yards then after that they would be all over the place, what rifle do you have?
  8. Any one had any experience with them? They look good for the price I'm thinking of getting some Lewis
  9. Had at little situation like that at the meet taking my hw97 apart then back together and apart again but now it running at 11.1 a sweet as you get. There's a great set of lads on here who showed me how to take the Hw apart and tune
  10. They have a big enough head so I wouldn't take any other shot you ether kill or miss no wounding as if the shot does drop you still get them with a neck shot
  11. Have you tried turning the eye reilef ring on the eye hole?
  12. Buy a decent weirauch springer hw80 or hw97k second hand and Aslong as you don't bounce them of the floor you will resell them for the same price and the will shoot out to 40 yards no problem
  13. I think the boxer is selling a superten with 2 bottles he might be someone to ask?
  14. I was having a bad morning!! and it only cost me 700 but yes the ultras are as accurate as anything else costing twice the money! Still twice the price but if you find that you still have that superten by the next meet and not using it enough to justify having it I may make you an offer I liked the look of that
  15. I matched AR177 with his air ranger and my BSA ultra unregged both in .177 on the hft course at the meet last weekend I think this shows how accurate the ultra barrel is £300 compared to £1000
  16. It's past your bed time lol I know but I just got to excited I couldn't sleep when I saw the meet dates Ps I sighted in the Hw97k yesterday and knocking the spinners round no problem at 40 yards, can't thank you enough for showing how to and tuning the gun!
  17. Stick my name down please with a FE Thanks lewis
  18. 3mars bars and a packet of foxs jam creams! They were mine an I was looking for them!
  19. A big thank you to darryl who took me down! and helped and showed me how to strip the hw97k Another one to chaz who showed me the ropes on the hft! And again to chaz and Davy who made the whole thing possible! I really enjoyed the weekend and will defiantly be attending the next one! Thank you again to everyone at the meet who helped me throughout the weekend, I've learnt a lot Lewis
  20. I'd have the tx200 over the Hw range anyday much more font no why just think they are nicer the Hw design is abit boring compare to the airarms but say that I have hw97k and its a very good gun Lewis
  21. I'm going round the course with you! I'm exactly the same lmao if it's windy the 97k is coming out and if its not the ultra is coming out to play
  22. i just bought 4 tins of h&n ftt 5.53mm £42 quid at aaron wheelers £10.50 each..better to take more and not run out. running out half way through would be pretty crap lol Ahhhh right well if I start offering you drinks Saturday night it may mean I'm running out lmao I don't quite have a lot as I'm spending 60 on a scope at the meet
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