Had the same problem with my last squrrel I shot with my .177 ultra. Prefect head shot bang on zero range straight through the head but when I went to pick him up after bowling over and lying still on the floor I found he needed an extra bit of encouragement by the means of a neck break.
Thus the reason I sold my ultra as I only hunt really and didn't feel comfortable in ITS abilities.
This is my first hand experience with .177
My girlfriends younger cousin bought this rifle brand new and hawke sport scope, he asked me to sort the scope out so I tried to zero it with his pellets (eley wasps) didn't work out then my h&n ftt and vermapells was getting around sub inch groups about 20yards but it DID have a horrible trigger, loud thwang and a hell of a kick. I didn't want to say much as he was so excited by it for the price of the package I could of got him a nice hw35 or hw95 and some to spare
He's got a point! I wouldn't be bothered if they put a licencing on air rifles like shotguns asin you can own one without any criminal records and if you can justify a valid reason to do so. Eg shooting at a local club or on permission as this would stop a lot of half wits having them for no good reason.
I like this guy, says it as it is.
Aye Paige from American guns would get it, I watch them all American guns, son of guns, family guns and top shot when it was on. I though American guns and son of guns were class because of the custom work they did and on tele it all looks legit
I can't imagine many farmers would turn down £300 for a weekend in a field, I'd ask my girlfriends dad if we could use one of his fields and woods but with having the syndicate shoot in them with the pens and feeders and it pretty much all being arable land I don't think he be let everybody.
But the only problem is that farmers can be funny with a lot of unknown people on there land.
I'd be happy with weatherby it's only an hour away from me
I picked up my hw97k for 145 it was in pretty bad condition stock was chipped and bluing pitted quite bad they must of left it in the bag wet. But it has a venom buttoned piston and I knew I could redo the stock and get rid of some of the pitting I knew it was never going to be a show winner but its a good hunting rifle so I'm not tht bothered to be honest
I picked up my hw97k for 145 it was in pretty bad condition stock was chipped and bluing pitted quite bad they must of left it in the bag wet. But it has a venom buttoned piston and I knew I could redo the stock and get rid of some of the pitting I knew it was never going to be a show winner but its a good hunting rifle so I'm not tht bothered to be honest
Simon if you feel that the stock you have on it now is not to your liking and find that you resort to using the hw77 stock I may be interested in a making an offer on it.
Atb Lewis