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Everything posted by terryd

  1. As the years go on it is more and more likely to trip over a badger. Must be the increase in numbers and they are just getting braver. Years ago it was rare to dam near never happening to see a day time one. Much preferred it back then
  2. Well I guess if you ditch every dog that doesn't make the grade in a short time and just keep the ones that do your going to get through a lot of dogs and come across some keen early starters quickly. Just not fair on the slow out the blocks ones who have every chance of surpassing the early starters and deserve a life as much as the next. But I am soft
  3. Why are folks so competitive over there dogs. Who really cares if some silly sod thinks his got wonder dog. My dog is a clutz but he does me though I will say his got a better nose than any dog on the planet All good fun
  4. My poor old hound would been a goner then lol but a year later a different dog
  5. They seem to be good little dogs. The one I had would suit me a treat now but never had sprinting power. But was bloody nibble up against the hedge and just floated over roughest of ground.
  6. Few of us used to use the cheap engine oil from quick save. Was very thin but didn't matter much bars and chains never lasted long in the woods anyway
  7. Certainly look like sweet spuds. Can't wait for first tom as can you lol
  8. I often buy a bit to keep in the fridge on the off chance I need it for cooking with but nine times out of ten it gets wasted
  9. sharpen the chain and clean the air filter. Maybe change fuel filter too and see how you are
  10. Much as I think the world of him I wouldn't have a bull cross again I just don't need that amount of umph. I just want to catch a couple of rabbits not take out any game with in a ten mile radius every time I set foot out the door and he can't shoot for shit Not sure if a collie cross would fit the bill but if I have another I want some thing a bit more laid back
  11. Things are going to plan up the plot so far. Plenty to pick now. Nodig on the right. Took the plot over last year in autumn just took 6 thousand bags manure The veg seems to like it and next year it will be better again. spuds are happy on the other plot this end is blight resistant varieties just out of interest. I can see why they take tens years to show
  12. Yes bit too late to sow leeks though I did make a sowing last week but not fussed if they take off but can pick up leeks cheapish in the garden centres
  13. leeks swedes beetroot lettuce carrots maybe buy in winter veg if you dont have any sprouts etc. I wouldn't bother with spuds my self as blight will coming soon for us
  14. Sounds like he had a happy good life that is what counts
  15. Great job there. Me and my daughter made some at the weekend and we found it too syrupy and not very elderflower. So obviously need to tweak things
  16. terryd


    I did tell him come august I new a field road side we might get a bolt or two and I said I would push him round in a barrow if needed. That got a LOL out of him and he new i wasn't joking haha
  17. terryd


    nice find Phil will watch that in few weeks gone soft in me old age
  18. terryd


    same here would love one
  19. terryd


    Very knowledgeable from pickling an onion to making a net. I have some of his nets here and they will be that bit special now. Glad I took the time to listen and learn from him as I don't know any one else like him.
  20. terryd


    yes will miss him loads and out chats about the nets and garden. Great shame R.I.P
  21. Really nice and clean vf will you be netting up against the butter flies ?
  22. Licencing is just silly it is hard enough to walk through the village now with a spade over your shoulder. Won't able to bloody breathe before long
  23. Last thing needed is more licencing at the end of the day idiots will be idiots people won't change
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