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Everything posted by terryd

  1. Picked some onions today got them on the old rack to dry trying to grow a pumpkin for the daughter. I plant too late as a rule but got it right this year I hope. Leeks perking up at last. I stuffed up and sowed late this year but they will get there every thing else is in order but the pigeons are hammering any thing not netted. Lost load of swedes and kale lashed it down but the spuds were happy for it
  2. Hate heights no idea why. Watching some youtube vids brings me out in cold sweat. I was hanging onto a ladder for dear the life the other guy. The guy on the floor tapped me on shoulder and said are you ok ?
  3. All the working breeds in shape look good. I all ways thought this fella was a handsome devil. He was a finely tuned gladiator in his best years
  4. don't think they take gold in the chippy
  5. you better start cycling them twenties for new tens now
  6. took the words right out of my mouth
  7. Pursenets purse and longnets are meant to wrap the buggers up. If you used 12z longnet you might as well use chicken wire But yes it is all personal choice
  8. Been meaning to try that my self. Nice young bunnies ?
  9. Rabbits see nets no doubt in the day. Seen a few skip around the end of even a green 4oz stop net if I was daft enough to leave a gap. Then others just commit to there route regardless and some just walk into them
  10. Personally I stick with 4 yes they catch the rubbish but they catch rabbits too. All part of the job like spider webs lol but each to there own ?
  11. Like arry said get it used to the collar now is the time just pop it on in the yard while they have a run around then come work time they wont react to it
  12. Dont let him sleep in the evening and when he nods off wake him up and stick out side in fresh air. Pain in the ass but then it will be cream crackered. Very tempting after work when you want bit of peace let the pup nod off for the evening then come bed time the sod is wide awake
  13. oh apart from garlic that seems to do well what ever is going on
  14. I never have much luck over wintering any thing. I did have a good spring cabbage once but there is a lot of luck involved
  15. Looks great from sets ? I got sets and from seed this year. The sets are ready now nearly but seeds got more growing to do but look promising
  16. You must have washed too many dishes stick with it go out and handle them ten times a day if you have to couple days be sorted for life then
  17. Love haislet. Any way 21 with me beddy whippet. We did it on foot too and good for around here even back then. I remember the moon coming out from behind the clouds as we trudged back along the moon road fooked. She slept on me bed that night cleared 30 plenty of times but more than one dog
  18. 1 well look at him what do you expect
  19. Very interesting thread and good reading. The pic on the first post is amazing. Could have used an albino though for better contrast I have an old jill here who ferreted her last holes last year. She is ancient now and after exertion throws a wobble so I don't want her getting stuck some where. She can put her feet up for her last years now This was her last outing What I like is her finding ability and straight to business. Which when your on your own is perfect. You don't want the ferreting popping up the other side of the hedge and pissing about and going in and out. It se
  20. Just constant handling and getting them to trust you. Give them a bit of fish oil while your holding them or what ever just make the experience a good one soon come around
  21. My allotment needs bloody good soaking it is like iron at the moment. How the hell the parsnips are going to get down I don't know unless they got an auger on the end.
  22. I sort of went off old hugh fernley when I popped in one of his cafes and had a poached egg on toast for about 300 quid and all his books on the shelf were astronomical prices. He was better back in the beginning rattling around in that old land rover eating razor fish
  23. I enjoy my grub and cooking so your threads do it for me the pics are amazing. Every thing looks delicious
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