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Everything posted by terryd

  1. Our local pack are a great bunch of folks and they run there own local lurcher, terrier show. I don't follow as it is not my thing. But we all need to stick together
  2. BT just make the fast places faster and to hell with the rest. You get some farm house at the end of the line in the middle of now where your screwed. No way will BT spend spend the dosh to get you on a par with every one else
  3. Good offer Jamie and hope you get back at it soon.
  4. All ways like to give the dog a rag back in the day where's the harm as long as it's dispatched first. Not so important once there going but no reason not too. This was back in the early eighties when we had a bit more freedom and weren't forced to recycle ffs Even now with the ferrets when they start. This was the jills first day out but rarely bother once they are going.
  5. Well said. Took me over 3 years to break mine with sheep and his now 5 and ok with them. But I never trust him and work him accordly. His not so bad his a liability and has lost things by sheep and not looked twice. But I know the dog and just because he does some thing right one day don't mean he will do it the next. I live in wales and we manage fine. Yes it does detract from the day being on edge at times but I am happy to live with. Some are not which is fine as well
  6. Never trust them fully but i bet you could have a good go and manage it.
  7. Feel sorry for the dog. not the dogs faults it has not been stock broke and its obviously had a good go and gets cast off like rubbish
  8. Only messing handy to have actually
  9. Guy on tv the other doing ultra marathons and he runs with a pom just goes to show. Any dog will so I wouldn't throw in the complications of a hunting type dog
  10. Makes sense to peg as you go. If your nice and steady they will sit tight till you pass then head for home but it don't matter then. Or of the wind is not perfect and blowing at an angle when they scent you will have passed and net is down.
  11. If there was ever a time I was going to skimp on bagging it was when I made this pissing thing ? I got it done with a 100% and it catches fine. Yes I dropped a mesh on the running line lol
  12. I just don't like the look of all them baskets and stuff Micky. I need a bloody sherpa half the time as it is ?
  13. They are both Allans. The grey one is an old fishing net. Must be a fair few years old. The last net he made me just a year or ago was a nice little 15 yarder which I often carry around. Had a rabbit with it this morning ferreting. Nice handy little length
  14. I don't own a quick set never seen the attraction plus its nice to keep with tradition
  15. The two nets idea was good thinking
  16. That is basically it. I don't do so much now since having the lurcher as I would rather run him. But also if you get it right the long netting can be pretty effective. If you have a spot with ten rabbits on the right night you have a chance of bagging the lot or the bulk of them. With numbers so low the last 4 years I go easy. This spot was a nice blind set you could do on a full moon if you wanted. You could go there any time of day and see rabbits. Now there is nothing. Lamped it a few times and not seen one.
  17. Cracking pup nice to see some thing a bit different
  18. I had it once and ended up with a litter i didn't want lol. Most vets have no experience of it that's the thing
  19. The thing is the test costs the same as the op or take a chance. Just been quoted from 71. to 220. haha but the 71. costs another 71 for the test. Might just take a chance.
  20. Not sure if its bravery or stupidity lol
  21. Yea exactly a fortune lol
  22. Amazing how expensive it is. Some little patch used for sod seems to cost a fortune
  23. I can see that in the mirror now man tries to ignite dogs bollocks
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