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Everything posted by terryd

  1. Agree with bjay give it a go. Can get all you need here https://www.fourteenacre.co.uk/ and there are videos there to explain it. Can make any length and colour you fancy then.
  2. Should be ashamed how they dragged the kids into it making out the guy holding the hare with his kid was some sort of mass murderer. Disgusting reporting. Country file my arse No excusing the idiots lamping mob handed and threatening folks mind but that is a different issue. Knobs in all walks
  3. So true I have seen fox cubs in the summer and steered the dog away before he spots them. I would get no pleasure out of it.
  4. They let my new accountant do a rough estimate and in fairness were quite good with it. But an 8 grand debt wasn't the best start to married life lol
  5. Exactly its part of the country side. Working dogs is poetry in motion but if you don't appreciate such things which the majority don't then we are knackered as they cater for the majority. They just keep restricting people all the time
  6. I remember as a young lad starting in the woods self employed. They all said your self employed don't worry about tax. What they meant was don't worry if you get an accountant. 8 years later and I never paid a penny. Got married and thought I better sort this and walked into the tax office and said I haven't paid tax for 8 years. Never forget the smile on the guys face ?
  7. In fact he could be perfectly positioned
  8. Yea you don't have to be mi6 to catch some of them out. werzel gumich could manage it
  9. You too Jok hope your ok. I have had 3 plots for a few years but too much work so scaled down to 2. Better to have 2 done tidy rather than 3 half arsed. Got new job with long hours which hasn't helped but there you go
  10. Well ferreting is pretty much done.We do enjoy it though time to turn attention to the plots. The no dig one is a pleasure with nothing much to do apart from pull out old stuff and pop in the new
  11. All ways fancied a 410 hush as I have the 20 and its nice and quiet with the proper carts. I have a normal 410 and can't hit a barn door with it. I have missed squirrels sat 10 yards away. Be better off throwing it at them. I need to blast some cardboard and see what it is doing. In the mean time I prefer the airgun lol
  12. I have to say I prefer the personality of hobs. But on the flip side my two jills weigh less than the one hob which counts when you have to lug them around the country side
  13. Just shite luck I reckon. All I can say I had a beddy whippet once and very slightly built dog who could run any sort of rough ground. Now I have a 30KG plonker that when he hits some thing hits it hard
  14. terryd


    You can't Micky he needs gone
  15. Would give any thing to have that dog back. Awesome all rounder and sensible with it.
  16. Thanks vin great news. Don't care what his doing as long as ok. Book would be good mind deffo go on the shopping list lol
  17. Yes not been on since after christmas hope all is well. Been a bit of an inspiration since i was a kid reading the old magazine. Don't tell the old coot though
  18. A good dog can teach a person a lot starting out I know mine did
  19. Handy for stock. I remember as a kid walking along the bottom of a bank with the JR taking the lead doing his thing. The lurcher pup looked up the bank and saw some sheep taking off and he made a start to go then hesitated and looked what the JR was doing and thought sod it and followed the JR. That was him broke he never made another move at a sheep again
  20. Going to sack walshie if he don't hit this numpty with his big stick
  21. Yea clue is the name like purse
  22. I think its also a last ditch attempt at a cry for mercy going all submissive. They know there screwed and nothing else left to try. Just a thought
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