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Everything posted by terryd

  1. There was no shame in that dog jiggy he was a cracker
  2. That looks a handy gadget but looks more suited to camping I would have thought
  3. A good little terrier pup will work its way through the list rats,rabbits squirrels then it scent old charlie one day and naturally do its thing. Once you to that point you can keep it leaded up and go earth checking. You can't force the issue. In the early days you want things to go the dogs way easily nice shallow earths on braken banks or small hedge row ones so you can get down quick. Just my vague memories of it all
  4. Mine never showed no aggression and would run up and piss about. Then one day a bulldog snuck out from behind hind us and grabbed him by the chops while he was on a lead. The old terrier mentality switch flipped unfortunately. You don't want your dog having bad experiences because once they get into a habit your fooked lol.
  5. ah perfect cheers archie lol you saw that coming
  6. Yea I heard about these meths burners archie. Why would you use two beer cans ? I know nothing about these things
  7. Well were in business folks Well chuffed then first thing i did coming through the gate on the way home was drop the ferker and put a ding in it ? Hot as hell what a treat bloody hate semi warm poxy flask tea and coffee. Just need to brush up on fire skills ha
  8. Stop him running up. Lots of room for a bit of disaster there. My dog would latch on to him because mine is an arse and you wouldn't want that
  9. Yea it was great back then. I remember it being a big step up from the old halogen halfords jobby and my little spotlight with a door bell switch on. It gave me the range I needed I get on the mountains after the hares. Gutted the bulb has gone. Sealed unit as well. I did google it and found a few but not the the blue eye. Saying that just found one in america https://www.12voltsplus.com/bb-2000-optronics-blueeye-replacement-bulb-for-hb-2002#.XKntyVVKjIV
  10. Going to unfollow this sharpish lol
  11. Was gifted an old blue eye today. Was over the moon bringing back me youth when I had one it was my pride and joy back then. any way short lived looks like bulb gone ?
  12. Its good to keep healthy only here once so may as well make it a long as possible or at least try. Used to be cardio mad and could run for miles but hitting fifty this year so 3 or 4 years ago switched to weights. I read some where as you age you lose muscle fast and I never had any to start so got pumping 3 times a week. I train at home because I have the right mind set to stick at stuff. Gave me self a sports hernia about a year ago which is a drag. Not sure if I can be arsed with the op so just put up with it
  13. Got to say if I wasn't tea total now a days I would be straight into that home brewing lark. Looks great
  14. Tried couple them few years ago. They were nice but you can't beat a duck
  15. Nice and steady which is hard to do
  16. Never heard of it but I guess you have read this https://www.rhs.org.uk/advice/profile?pid=658
  17. Going good jok cheers. I was thinking similar this year with pepper and chilli's never sure how much space peppers and that need or what soil they need. Better have a read up
  18. Got my first earlies in to day. Planted onions out. Liking the no dig plot it is way ahead of me other one
  19. Very true many a time walked off the beach with a bass in me bag. Caught any ? Nope complete waste of time ? Bass were in early one year and some one posted it some where. You couldn't bloody move on the beach bus loads of folks descended
  20. Its taking us a bit closer to not being able to poxy breath in this place
  21. Like a lot of things they get consultants in who all ready have an opinion. On facebook i bumped into some woman who claimed to have to done the research paper on ecollars for defra. She was most definitely biased against them lol so why get her to do a paper on the pros and cons. Shambles
  22. Well as a non trapper it is pretty obvious them juby's are a better design. I have seen plenty of your pics and the catches all ways look clean as can be and solid kills.
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