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Everything posted by terryd

  1. https://www.domyown.com/dipel-pro-df-biological-insecticide-questions-pq-2361.html Below is a link to the Dipel PRO DF Biological Insecticide so that you can see the instructions in larger print. Depending on the reason you are using the product you will use 1/2 tsp - 4 tsp per gallon of water. You canapply this product using a sprinkling can or hand pump sprayer. http://www.domyownpestcontrol.com/msds/DiPel Pro Label.pdf
  2. Couldn't tell you Arry I saw that nodig guy charlesdowding use it. I found a small tub than the one I linked to. But you only need a teaspoon in like 5 litres so it will last until you die lol https://charlesdowding.co.uk/community/forums/reply/bacillus-thuringiensis/ this is the one i got https://www.ebay.co.uk/i/123740427659?chn=ps
  3. I bought some of this for the cabbage white and it certainly works but I have to net for the pigeons so don't use it much https://www.agrigem.co.uk/dipel-df-500g?gclid=CNmk2qKh3uICFYjhUQod7pMNhQ
  4. Just few pics of what is going on. Got some nice garlic this year and looks a good year for raspberries
  5. terryd


    lol no genuine I enjoyed the clip. Hell of a forearm on him
  6. terryd


    Entertaining watch that
  7. Very nice. Its good to see folks making nets
  8. If people are happy to pay whats the problem. No harm and he certainly does the sport a lot of good.
  9. Plenty of bass about now. Had a couple of 5 lbers off beaches and lots been caught by others
  10. guy needs help like any addiction i guess
  11. Them arms are just stupid. Not aesthetically pleasing at all or useful
  12. Great pictures really nice too look at
  13. Christ for a moment thought it said our team. Couldn't handle another one. Welcome aboard
  14. I was told by man who new his stuff to get out and check the place at low tide at night for an easy haul. When you see a cock crab with his dukes up the female will be close by
  15. See loads of stories of them turning up and not going far. Fingers crossed
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