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Everything posted by terryd

  1. Not being a boating man I never understood anchors. Surely if you chuck one in rough ground and the boat pulls it tight. DOn't the bloody thing just get stuck lol. Or do they work like a grip lead ?
  2. This looks nice. Fair price and good zoom https://www.sony.co.uk/electronics/cyber-shot-compact-cameras/dsc-h300
  3. Great pics but the zoom looks bit short ?
  4. Beddy whippet barked about 6 times in 18 years. Bull cross here silent in the field but right noisy git when people come in
  5. The conservation guys tend to measure where as us frying pan folk stick to lb's ?
  6. First runner are all ways delicious then its a matter of keeping up with the sods lol
  7. Awesome result for the young fella the lucky sod lol
  8. could turn into a diamond have it lose and just discourage from messing up nets and going into the hole. Let it make mistakes and it should learn from them. By best ever ferreting dog was a JR. A rabbit sat by the hole once and he dived at it and I spend half an hour digger the bugger out and he never did that again. He would freeze solid until the rabbit came right out. Never forget his eyes swivel to me and back to the rabbit with out budging a millimeter
  9. This fella is getting keener year on year which is real pain in the butt lol
  10. I gree Crimson Crush out side last year down the plot and yes no blight. But I did get blossom end rot but thats another issue
  11. Very good never tried prawns. Wonder if i could catch them on a shallow sandy beach with a push net ?
  12. Same but in fairness not used them much. I have seen a bass caught on cockles. I use clams which are great Will have a look at the video later look forward to it
  13. terryd

    Tree felling

    Del is right chainsaws are nasty things. Spent half me life in the forestry and how i came out unscathed i will never know. So go with dels advice
  14. Foxes are stunning creatures especially on a frosty morning. But they are every where now and booming so they have suddenly become a major pain in the arse. I have to be careful where I let the dog off lead now around here. So basically they need a dam good controlling same as the bloody badgers. The one we are lacking is rabbits
  15. Yea I can get all that got to have eye in my arse and constantly on alert just in case. Next dog I want some small scruffy and laid back. Don't need a 100% up and at them now a days. Times have changed and need a something that slips under the radar
  16. terryd

    Tree felling

    Just start lopping bits off the bottom of the two leaners until they slowly fall down couple of feet at a time. Requires a bit of chainsaw savy
  17. @walshie could you add this to the list above too. All good info
  18. I dread to think to be honest Won't be watching that
  19. Very good thanks for posting. We had a chap who sadly no longer with us would have enjoyed a chat with you. He did this post for us https://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/327576-how-to-repair-a-net/?tab=comments#comment-3722937
  20. Too packed so I can't look after stuff properly but i can't bring me self to get rid of any thing dam it lol
  21. To much in the green house as per normal. Just can’t help my self lol
  22. Yes you wouldn't grown onions like that to break records obviously but nice table size last year
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