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Everything posted by terryd

  1. Bet ya life best way to get them is to pack up lol
  2. Very good indeed. I have tried for my first goose this season and had a few canada's. Turns out it is bloody exciting shooting if you can pick a spot with a good view and see the geese miles away. Then you call them and they swing towards you. Exhilarating stuff. Getting out before the light and watching the sun come up and hearing that honk honk Only down side once the fields are ploughed not sure where they feed then. Can't join and clubs as I don't have a dawg
  3. That was pretty epic another great achievement
  4. Yea dif lingo if your not used to it. If he needs a hand or any help drop us pm. Poor old whin be having a melt down not being able to get some pics up
  5. Must have forgot his logins lol and can't update the dns
  6. Nope not me. Bit odd really you don't normally have to send things off to registra's and the domain hasn't expired Valid until 2020-06-26T20:51:34Z
  7. As some one who had a cocker for the house they are great pets indoors. Even being a show type he had loads of work in him but was never trained in that area or at all if honest
  8. out of interest how do the gwp's handle water ? From a wildfowling point of view ?
  9. Still going but very quiet but some great info on there espeacially on the netting side of things
  10. Nice little forum and chats from lurchers to allotments. Some good folks the same as here. We need more of them not less. Poor old rabbiters is struggling that could do with some support. A class little place and be a shame if it ever died
  11. Yea the dog has a cracking temp just as well for his size. He keeps ray in line anyway
  12. If I had to hazard a guess its been taken down while the long arm of the law trawls all them pm's. Hopefully wrong
  13. Hi folks my charger port is damaged so needs replacing. It only needs a couple of wires soldiering on to the part. But I don't know the name of the part to buy. Probably only costs a couple of quid
  14. Yea exactly. I started mine lamping off lead and he will do it but I know for a fact if some daft bit of vermin comes trundling along like it owns the place it would be crash bang wallop what a picture As for the hunting up just try and slip on on rabbits it has a good chance of catching also and it sounds daft but leg it after the dog while your running the rabbit then as soon as it loses it your close by and its more likely to listen. Don't worry about noise you just got to get the pattern started.It you firmly call it from ten yards its more likely to listen than down the
  15. One of my perms has just been combined and i noticed the odd flock about. I don't normally bother because they don't seem to follow a pattern and can never predict there moves. When is the best time to try for them ? evenings or early morning? Do they prefer stubble or fresh sowed ground. Going to be a learning curve ahead
  16. terryd


    Can any one recommend a cheapish but ok call for geese please. Seen a few about on some stubble but its really hard to predict where they might turn up. Early morning seems best.No idea where they go during the day
  17. Must be horrible to lose a dog like that. Great story and happy ending there good for you
  18. I would be inclined to put a bit more timber in there to box off the bed area get it snug
  19. are you sure ? https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/code-of-recommendations-for-the-welfare-of-livestock-sheep/sheep-and-goats-welfare-recommendations 2.4 Tethering goats You must check tethered goats regularly and take care to avoid distress or injury caused by: exposure to bad weather - offer shelter hunger or thirst - provide food and water entanglement being worried by dogs or children Collars need to be light but tough and attached to a strong chain at least 3m long and with at least 2 swivels. You must not tether kids (goats younge
  20. That is great good for you. I remember as a kid we had goats tethered and just moved them along like mowers and they done a great job. Obviously being tethered they need keeping an eye on. But they pretty much stripped every thing
  21. I think I may be sorted mate thank you
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