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Everything posted by terryd

  1. This country is so deluded now a days. Every day millions of chickens,pigs and cattle and god knows what get the bullet and shipped around the place jammed in lorries. You don't hear uproar about that. Its just the way it is and I enjoy eating like every one else. But people just live in cuckoo land. They are on a different planet . Whoopie do a deer got dragged down I bet iit ended up going to waste then because they stuck there oar in well done
  2. Great shame looks lovely dog
  3. Wildfowling areas are sewn up tighter than a ducks arse lol. Better off trying to find a nice splash some where
  4. terryd

    The Drink

    Don’t agree with me so not touched heading for 10 years. Don’t miss it any more
  5. oh i see your all ready on there lol https://www.accidentalsmallholder.net/forum/index.php?topic=77539.0 christ 3 years ago you really are struggling lol
  6. This is a good forum to check out may find some help there https://www.accidentalsmallholder.net/forum/index.php?topic=102447.0 https://www.accidentalsmallholder.net/forum/index.php?PHPSESSID=01895f1e1d3ae18bc2c0248be6cc9d4c&board=30.0 also another read https://uksurvivalguides.com/raising-rabbits-for-meat/
  7. Try and weigh up where you ferret as well. There is all ways a surprise waiting. But if it looks difficult weight it up. Glad she back you got lucky. All ways a worry when you take them out
  8. I went to the docs this week about my hearing and said i was firing a gun last week and she honestly went all suspicious on me. Firing a gum mmmm ? For an educated person just thick as a plank
  9. In this vid https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/vile-scots-badger-baiter-caged-20387332 his kicked a trapped rat around and a brush on a bit of string hardly genghis khan
  10. Yes perfect little dog for that. A nice little size too
  11. 70% or more of the uk public have no understanding of such matter so they can told and fed any thing that is why the hunting life is stuffed in the long term. It is frustrating
  12. How daft have you got to be for gods sake and buying cats. What the hell is that about. Little old billy had the right idea mind though it cost him dearly. Shite life being a dog some times and them bloody badgers are a right pain in the ass
  13. Cracking start. What sort of shooting do you do mr nap ?
  14. not yet I am waiting to get some decent bacon not to keen on using the old watery stuff
  15. terryd


    I think you might be right because even the wife commented on texture just does not seem right. Bit off putting to be honest lol
  16. terryd


    My local curry house does a nice curry and I love there base sauce. I find the chicken a bit odd though because it seems to be in square cubes and big ones too. You just don't get that size of a cube off a chicken. The texture is a bit odd too. I reckon they must buy blocks of compressed chicken or some thing. I prefer my own curries with the old swatz powder some home grown garlic and chilli's tin of toms and what ever meat I fancy. Just seems to have fresher cleaner taste to it.
  17. Think your bang on there mh. The bull cross has been in the house all of his six years. His mellowed with age and is fine with kids out and bout but likes his space and used to be a grumpy git. With a grandkid on the way no chances with be taken and things will be crystal clear. I will be getting a kennel outside for him as well
  18. The black pud runs hots so its gently gently this time of year. Handful of runs and home if that. No panics
  19. Very true you just mold with the dogs and them you. Plus back then the country was a freer place.
  20. yea mine will be the same. I love suet as well big dumplin fan so its a win win for me
  21. The article gives the impression they are looking for the shooter so he didn't have permission maybe. Any way even rough shooting you wouldn't shoot until the target is cleared and id made and you certainly wouldn't be shooting into a hedge bordering a foot path. But the news is more than likely way off the mark by a mile
  22. I have to admit when the gaff came out I thought is game over lol and then surprised to see it let revive and released fair play
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