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Everything posted by terryd

  1. That sounds bloody good. Might try that. Might have to get wife to help find corners in that dish mind ?
  2. The one on the left had a good twatting as morton put after taking after a lamb at 5 months. I hated doing it but I remember thinking its for his own good. From that day on he was the most reliable dog I have ever had with stock and I would literally have bet my right arm on him under any circumstances. The one on the right I don't recall her ever doing any thing wrong just wasn't in her nature
  3. Exactly and that dog will go through a much more pleasurable life because of it getting more opportunities because he does as his told
  4. I live here and was thinking the same. We have got some lovely views mind. Thats about it lol
  5. Take a rough guess how many years you got left and divide it and put feet up and enjoy life. Help the kids out now and again obviously
  6. Just don't . Chances are you will regret it big time for what ever reason
  7. Well done. For such a decent size bird ducks often come out of know where.
  8. The second he puts a foot out the door his switched on. Pain in the arse to be honest lol But think the world of the plonker
  9. Looks really tasty to be honest and on my todo list. As you say nice to respect the quarry. I ran over a hare last night. No I really did ! ? So waste not want not
  10. I have one and my only complaint his too keen. Got more than I bargained for lol
  11. The trouble with this consultation lark is they consult with people who are all ready biased against them. Some silly bat on facebook was bragging how defra came to her to look into them and she was obviously dead against them so what as the point of that. Ignorant cow who wouldn't listen. I should given her my hound dog and see how she got with him with her good boy have a biscuit. At least back in the day .
  12. Use the wind to your advantage as well it makes a huge difference and just trust the dog. It would be daft if it ploughed cover just for the hell of it
  13. Think bill meant happy christmas ?
  14. Been a nice day with the mrs and me 3 daughters came home for dinner. Personally giving up the booze was the best thing I ever did. Nice clear head and up at the crack of dawn to try for a duck.
  15. Good job your in england over in sunnywales they are illegal. Another law made up by ignorant muppets
  16. Yea when your in first thing in the morning drinking what been pulled through cleaning the pipes and then drink every one under the table until closing you know its times to revaluate ? On the plus side i met the wife and luckly she straightened me out bless her
  17. Your bang on there. Think I am heading for ten years in or some thing like that. I don't miss it any more and have plenty of other stuff I would be much rather doing. This is from some one who hit the pub nearly every night and spent weekends in a coma ? Dread to think of the money I spent. I could bought bleeding house lol. Nothing wrong with it mind but each to there own.
  18. As all ways the people who want things banned have never used one or no understanding. You give one them biscuit nibbling clicker waving plums some head strong dog that has developed a liking a for wool and see how far they get.
  19. Any dog can be good at ferreting and a bull grey with collie in it can be bright as a button Mine has the urge to catch any thing. Keen is not the word lol. This winged duck didnt get far
  20. Like rats now our county is infested with them they are out of hand. Got to the point I can't walk the dog off lead just after dark because they are all over the shop much earlier now a days. Ridiculous
  21. Sad and just bad luck Typically all ways the good ones that get it. Similar happened to me once he took a tumble and was slow coming back. Seemed ok but gave him a rest and then went to slip him and looked down and he was fitting. It was a long night then and like you wished it had been instant
  22. This country is so deluded now a days. Every day millions of chickens,pigs and cattle and god knows what get the bullet and shipped around the place jammed in lorries. You don't hear uproar about that. Its just the way it is and I enjoy eating like every one else. But people just live in cuckoo land. They are on a different planet . Whoopie do a deer got dragged down I bet iit ended up going to waste then because they stuck there oar in well done
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