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Everything posted by terryd

  1. Common folks your slacking on the trump jokes Imbleachment.
  2. This fella is using the 17hmr and makes a nice pie lol
  3. Great shooting I dont know how you guys do it. Last two days I practised on a target and first 2 shots both times straight in the bulls eye. Next 20 all I could do to get them in the same direction as the target lol
  4. This is the thing though just because a dog is ok with the gay plodding types when the flightly wild sods take off its a whole new game. Over the years been able to trust every dog and a couple I would actual have bet an arm on no problem and a terrier was one. The present dog is the first one I don't trust. He is ok but to get him there took some doing and I lost trust. So rather than worry about it we just work around things and I don't put him in a position to go wrong. I can walk him through sheep and he won't bat an eye but I know the dog. Sly b*****d lol. My biggest perm is a sheep fa
  5. Don’t do it deliberately. We have all had dogs run through sheep by accident but common sense says don’t do it on purpose. Out of respect for the farmer weather your meant to be there or not
  6. Yep farmers don’t like there sheep running full stop. Ray must know these sheep and how they react. We all know our own local sheep. I have one farm just the site of a dog on a lead they panic. Yet the ones across the road don’t care.
  7. Nice one Ray it makes life much easier. Don't trust mine full stop and it takes away from him a good 50% but we manage. His ok but I just don't trust him way too hair triggered Buck is a trooper and i don't think you will ever top him
  8. So what is the purpose of using a hoop compared to a tealer ?
  9. terryd


    Getting some good value out of youtube at the moment that's for sure. I was watching this video over a year old and thought that dog must be toast by now But in a recent video his still going. You can see his slowed down a bit mind Been watching a lot of this guys stuff too. Some cracking scenery. Them jet boats looks lethal how they don't hit a boulder I don't know
  10. Roads have deffo picked up steam last couple of days compared to end of the last week. Not a good sign
  11. Happy times. Goose shooting is a real buzz. Me and mate went out on a full moon by a splash one night near the end of the season. It was magical with ducks cruising around under the moon and we turned half a dozen geese towards but fluffed the shooting. Can't wait to try it again
  12. If this can be air borne shouldn't they mention the wind. As us hunting folks know you get 50 yards downwind of some one in a strong breeze they can't be good surely?
  13. Even when this dies down or out. Wont it just take one person and bang off we go again
  14. None of my business but I would been inclined to stick with the dog. Its like marriage for better and worse and all that. They don't make it easy though I guess
  15. I think it best to avoid the news and just watch it once a day.
  16. Some pet owner is in for a surprise then lol assuming it don't get put down
  17. I stepped out the door yesterday to walk the dog and I had couple of rabbit snares i was going to set in my hand. My route takes me on permission and I would seen no one. Police van pulled up behind me and told me irresponsible people running around setting snares would get people killed. A couple of rabbits would keep me out the supermarket a bit longer. But I didn't argue and took it on chin. They said I wasn't just walking the dog I was setting snares which is not necessary. They got a job to do and the poor sods are stuck out there doing it. So thats me just walking the dog from now full s
  18. Starting to see why folks stocked up on grub. You stay at home with the mrs. Just walk the dog so go near no one. At some point you need to run the gauntlet and go shopping. Very tempting to stock up so you don't go often. Glad i filled up freezer with pheasants lol. Might just nip tp butchers for tea and milk
  19. Good for you Ray I did the same for my neighbor today. Its a tricky one because you don't want to offend any one lol. If I lived next door to you I would be shouting across the fence at you give me a shout if you need any thing. You would probably come around and batter me or set buck on me ?
  20. Amazing to see the Brecon Beacons on the news and all them people and in Australia all them folks on the beach. I am not the brighest spark in the world but these people have the intelligence of a brick. Fair enough don't go too far the other way but christ.
  21. Just got back walking the dog. Really weird out the daul carriage way which is a pain to cross most times is silent. Restaurant on top of the hill is closed for first time ever. The garage was empty apart from one guy pulled in a made a bee line for the rubber gloves. Shopping in lidl this morning plenty there but certain things sold out. Beans and freezers empty and now every git has take a liken to my favorite porridge Plenty of bread and milk though and fresh veg. Did a smaller shop than normal just to prove a point
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