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Everything posted by terryd

  1. Some of the shooting fraternity deer stalking tweed wearing riding to hounds or basically the posh sods. Not sure how to word this but there is a divide and all ways will be. But there are also some great folks who are down to earth thankfully
  2. I agree forget all this chubby lark lol
  3. I wouldn't get excited they take a year or two to get going
  4. I think in a nutshell yes. As long as you have others tree regardless of age they will cross pollinate.
  5. Yes you are right mate. I think I just got off on the wrong foot. Just going to take ten yards to get it back lol. Bit rusty I reckon
  6. Not bred a litter for few decades but back in the day you were all ways warned not to disturbed them for a week or two and never had an issue. I guess some jills will be and others not. Nothing to gain really by having a look so no harm in waiting till they well settled in. That would be the route I would I take if i bred a litter now
  7. Even the leather work looks great. Been honing your skills Ken lol
  8. Some of lads on here do a stunning job real craftsmen. The ones I make just work fine but they are far from perfect.
  9. Yea that is what I keep telling my self. Only few feet in and nearly binned it 10 times lol. I did 24 meshes wide and started on a ring which was bad idea and went down hill there. I have it on a triangle now like Simon has here but its drifts to the corner. Might make a better one. Simon has inspired me to do better. How I ever did my 50 yard net i never no ?
  10. Very nice indeed. Use a chainsaw file to sharpen in the recess ? I image that part wouldn't get dulled often mind.
  11. Nice straight meshes better than my attempt at a gatenet which looks like i am pissed and i dont even drink lol
  12. One ray of sun shine love island has been cancelled YESS
  13. Just try and message the right one ?
  14. If you get a little busher that will hold a line and couple that with a ferret and you got a deadly little combo
  15. Great job getting close and great shooting. Nice grub too
  16. For sure and I have no issues doing whats needed if its required
  17. That guy is a prize plum but he has a big league of followers. I bumped into one on a fb group for smallholders. She put a post about if any one finds fox cubs can they give her a call so they don't fall into the hands of cruel hunters for training there dogs. I couldn't help but say in a tidy way they need controlling etc. But the next thing apparently I am a bloody thirsty git with small testicles ? Got to be honest if I see a cub and I get the chance i get the dog on a lead. Got no urge to kill stuff for killings sake but you can't reason with these people. Things went down hill fast lol
  18. Among the excuses given to Gwent Police officers were: "My son is a rubbish cook so I take him food every day" "I've just been to feed the fish" "I've been to buy nail clippers for the dog" "I've bought a new catapult and wanted to try it out" Bloody greyman sloping off to to use his catchbox I bet
  19. Very good idea. I would need a barn for a catch box and stand really close to the door ?
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