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Everything posted by terryd

  1. The girls bought me a mincer at the weekend so I whipped out a couple of canadian breasts. Mixed in bit pork belly and some steak seasoning Got say it worked a treat. Looking forward to trying different bits now. Got a sausage attachment too
  2. Robin hood of fly tipping lol
  3. Yea I think flat cap time is fast approaching for me. Found a good one by my car that some one dropped when they were pulling me wipers off because I had bootful of pheasants ? They were legit birds too dam it lol.
  4. Flying tipping is going up and up and understandable so cause they make it so difficult and bloody awkward to go to the tip. Need id now and if you take black bags they have to search them. Charge you for certain items like tyres which are just made to roll off down a slope some where. They should do the reverse and then fly tipping would go down. Its not a hard concept
  5. We got one running wales ? Initially I thought he was doing a good job but his wearing bit thin now. If he don't lift this 5 mile limit on friday he can go whistle. He needs to understand I have a new perm 20 miles away to check out
  6. Yea my vet told me that said the bottle cost 120 quid and once opened had to be used so i went to another vet who didn't care and had one opened. Got it done 13 quid
  7. Left my latches open once or twice just got lucky. Mind all my doors have two now so pretty safe
  8. Easy done glad it worked out
  9. Which they detected entering the country and quarantined I think. Came in from uk
  10. If you time it right with the jab and leave them for a little bit then you can get lucky and skip them coming back into season. I have a vacced hob now which is fine. I did try leaving them in season but they dropped in condition badly and in the 3 rd year I lost one so wouldn't do that again my self. May be one year on and off might have been better. But vac hob seems the best way though at 75 quid his quite valuable now lol
  11. Dont you have the jab when they come into season to bring them out ? Thats when I have had mine done in the past and if you time it right it will last the summer. I migth be wrong mind
  12. Its a funny old thing shore anglers in the grand scheme of things catch absolutely sod all especially this one lol. I think a few years back when I fished every spare hour most the year. During the summer months I probably averaged taking taking home maybe 2 bass a week between 2-5lb if I was lucky. Some weekends I walked off the beach with 3 or 4 but they were good days.
  13. terryd

    Dog Bus

    Fancy a pickup me self but mpg is a concern and I have to 40 miles a day working .
  14. https://www.worldseafishing.com/forums/threads/recreational-fishing-bans.41604025/
  15. All done. Absolutely unbelievable the constant barrage against us. What is with people sticking there oar in all the time.
  16. Due to being generally quieter out and about in work places etc that are quiet or empty i imagine
  17. Sounds like it was going funny before the opp
  18. Funny this should pop up was thinking of getting mine done. But his 6 now and doubt it would help. His a pain on a lead and other dogs that are well behaved go nuts when they see him. My mate has a male greyhound that hardly ever barks and is the most well behaved dog. I said lets meet for a walk on the road both on leads. His dog saw mine coming from miles away and kicked right off. They spent the whole walk wanting to get at each other. I have given him hard time but it didnt help
  19. Still trying to find the sod ? He did say was urgent. 13 years not too bad a response time
  20. Unless the dog knows the ground. If I turn about to walk to the car mine will hesitate and depend on his mood will give me two fingers and blast off round the next 3 fields which he knows are hot spots because he knows exactly how to find me. On fresh ground he keeps a closer eye on me
  21. Potato's and rice hey tasty. Looks nice. Enjoyed the post
  22. I think that is right I have yet to get one past 2-3 years before they start playing up. Other than the plr 500 which is still going but i find narrow. Gone back to the old light force variable and a sealed lead battery. Just want some thing that works and goes on for years
  23. I think there is some thing in getting them out as a pup. My jr as a kid I carried in a bag as a pup because he couldn't walk to where we needed to be. I can still picture him now wobbling about over the holes and hearing a rumble under his feet and the look on his face when a rabbit exploded out in front of him. Turned into the best and most tuned in ferreting dog I ever had
  24. I like your thinking
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