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Everything posted by terryd

  1. Looks like no provision for older folk just nhs. This is off there site Morrisons have introduced an NHS hour From 6am-7am Monday-Saturday All colleagues with an NHS badge will be able to get into the store to stock up on the products they need. Please note all our cafes are now closed. Sunday Opening On Sundays, the majority of our stores, we will open at 9am for our very hard working NHS workers to shop. We will open at 9.30am for all other customers to shop normally. Therefore, during the period of the Covid-19 ou
  2. So sad not a fair world
  3. terryd

    Back to work

    Realistically social distancing just aint going to happen in your average work place. I am furloughed at the moment and my bosses are on the ball but when the time comes I doubt it will last. After a life time and then suddenly having to change in a busy moment your just going to drift into old habits. This thing in northern ireland where they are going to allow 6 house holds to mingle. Who the hell is going to keep count and abide by that. Once you give a bit of rein that's it folks will do what they want
  4. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Born-Run-Hidden-Ultra-Runners-Greatest/dp/1861978774/ref=asc_df_1861978774/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=311073987241&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=5174595735765665546&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9041106&hvtargid=pla-404289635230&psc=1&th=1&psc=1 is an interesting book and any of old Dean whats his face and that scott guy. Some good ultra runner stuff on youtube. You need a lot of spare time for that lark. When you tell the wife your going for a long run and y
  5. One day another dog might latch onto him and things will get out of hand. Thats what happened to mine and trying to prise him off a bulldog was no fun. Luckly I new the guy and he new his dog was at fault cause it ran out and piled into him. But he went from running away from a pug and hiding behind a tree to a right pain in arse now. Other dogs only have to look at him and best behaved dogs go loopy they just no his intentions aint great. So yea get ahead of the game and avoid it starting
  6. Around here the country is getting calved up with every little bit of rough ground getting bought up and clear and folks sticking caravans or tents on them and all sorts. Every one wants there own little but of of the country side which i understand. But its just more people and boundaries and EYES. If you got a dog that can go off like a hound its a pain in the neck. As far as lamping goes its a nightmare but i do have a few perms dotted about thankfully . A few farmers are getting into the old conservation side of things I assume they must be getting grants or some thing. Any way its all goi
  7. Looks stunning out there. I know nothing about it but do you ever have any problems paddling against the tide. I know on out local beach it rips in and out at a fair whack
  8. Really nice just what folks need too
  9. Get the video up Micky be interested to see that
  10. Wind lol . Throw a bag of flour in the wind and watch it go
  11. Aint that the truth carrot nibblers and numpties are driving the wedge in deeper and deeper and getting away with it
  12. Nice shot I really been fancying a nice young rabbit for the pot
  13. We clapped first two weeks and meant it. But not any more. Not going to clap just because the neighbours think we should. Like any one we appreciate what they do of course
  14. I know one thing the news and media in general is a disgrace basically sensationalising every thing just to sell news. We know it better than any one being hunting folks but I never realised how bad it was. Now there is loads of why didnt they do this that and other and it's not even over yet but it makes news. In 6 months they should look back and review but right now pull together and push through. Boris couldn't get this right no matter which way he went. Anyway time for some more duckcommander lol
  15. Spuds tend to recover and most other things can be replanted. Good luck folks hope it goes well
  16. terryd

    Gyms shut

    Strong will and mind over matter and all that. Easier said than done at times but once done you feel great well sort of lol
  17. Yea me too I heard the stuff was good before
  18. csj don't do the ferret food any more Yes, I am sorry to say we have stopped the ration for Ferrets. Kind regards Linda Sales Administrator CSJ K9 Ltd
  19. Yea doris has got it wrong for once us welsh lot have got some thing right. I thought it hilarious when he said he was going to start quarantining people flying in. What to stop them getting ill. Stable door and all that. I am a idiot but jesus
  20. no that would be the same he said obey social distancing
  21. Very true and you would never be able to explain the difference to some one who had no experience of the sport or more like who was dead against and didn't want to hear. But yes baiting is the word they love throwing around
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