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Everything posted by terryd

  1. Wish our cocker had been mute the silly sod never shut up and that was before he even left the house ?
  2. I wonder if its any thing to do with the law as well. There was a time you could be a bit more relaxed what you write about. This being an open site and with every one watching every thing its a bit different now a days
  3. If you want to block runs to force them off track heard people mention that red plastic road size fence stuff. Nice light to carry about
  4. youtube is great I might make a coracle or a wooden oar or both. Can't even blame midlife crisis got too old for that one dam it
  5. Bet netrigger would be the boy to talk too
  6. We had a pet one very very good in the house though excitable but that would been lack of training maybe. I am seriously considering another for the future as a gundog. I will be giving it large in the training department because they love to please. I want it quartering nice in range not belting around like a headless chicken. So yes at home they are great
  7. Must be a hell of job for the police to keep up. As of Saturday in Wales basc were in talks with our goverment and now shooters can shoot if they go alone and walk there and back. How many coppers are going to be upto speed on that. So on Saturday when I go marching up the main road with a load of plastic ducks and gun in a slip and some copper drives by at 5am his going to think wtf is this idiot doing
  8. Saying that is they try and stop even a spaniel chasing a rabbit that may not go through after all because the shooting folks have fair bit of clout so I can't see that half of t happening
  9. These guys are most excited about it https://www.(!64.56:886/huntsabsireland/ and if its a numbers game they will most like win. But it shouldnt be so. Can't imagine a world where a dog is not allowed to hunt.
  10. Done. That just can't happen surely These idiots have got you in there sites https://www.(!64.56:886/huntsabsireland/ They will have the edge and they know how to use the media
  11. Yea I know up for any thing any time any where. When he hit two he matured and the clutch went and bang went reverse. Few issues with him but thats just me he was too much for me Little of deer hound grey x bull grey in northwales on fb for 250. Working parents both can be seen. At that price its a good sign
  12. I won't have any thing with bull in again. Bright as a button but the drive dear god like having a 26 inch terrier. No doubt when his gone I will be winging like a bitch when the next one is pussy footing about the place ?
  13. Anglers are well looks after Good morning everyone The Government have now formally responded to the representations made by the Angling Trust. We have promoted the huge benefits of fishing on individual health and wellbeing and have been able to present a case to which the Government have listened. On this basis I am pleased to announce that fishing will be permitted during the third national lockdown in England.
  14. and the air rifle lads have to shield there letters are in the post
  15. That smarmy git makes me sick the damage he has done
  16. I joined basc just so I could annoy them and the welsh basc guy said they had a few last time they had to help hang onto there certs. He said its all down to the copper that stops you. If you get stopped by an awkward one your cert can be at risk so he told me don't go. This is regarding wales
  17. I would imagine old Les https://www.(!64.56:886/NELSONSNETLOFT
  18. The people flogging pups for 2500 are just peddlers. The last place you would go for a decent pup. FB is full of them. Some woman on FB was looking for a bitch cocker in 2019 which she got for about 500 and now she has litter of pups at 2500 a pop.
  19. Yep I walked through village once the lurcher and spade ferrets etc and literally made it to other side before I got pulled as she said some one had reported me. She didn't care and said you know what they are like when they see some one in camo
  20. Yea you can't take any chances at all now a days. Made me think as a young lad we had a break in and me uncle set after him with a shotgun. But couldn't load it as he was bit wobbly after some whiskey lol. The coppers were really understanding and rightly were more concerned about finding out who broke in. I doubt it would end the same now a days that is for sure
  21. haha yea be tazered or shot dead over a squirrel
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