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Everything posted by terryd

  1. Same good as new. Seems a tidy chap too
  2. Some lovely dogs in this thread nice to see
  3. This fellow makes lovely knives jesknives - Page 3 WWW.JESKNIVES.CO.UK But there are plenty on here too. So no shortage of choice
  4. You saying we should get behind Kate
  5. That would be my choice
  6. I would imagine with a bit of beagle if it gets the old snout down its doing to be gone. But would the handlerbility of the cocker counter that. Who knows. Just lottery
  7. If you forget about the being in season thing for a moment. If you have ferrets that don't mix well just swapping hutches every day for a few days helps.
  8. Glad she is on the mend. Fair chunk of money got to be done. Oddly enough I noticed a soft lump on my dogs leg last night his 7 now. I cancelled the bloody insurance a few months ago because he never gets ill. I said to the mrs because his an annoying shite if he gets as much as a sniff his toast but I could never do it
  9. Enjoyed that clip very good. Bud looked at you on the swing as if to say ffs whats he doing now ?
  10. Personally I would be inclined to skip the bull too so to speak if mine is any thing to go by lol. But maybe thats just him. I would rather a dog I need to egg on a smidge rather than a heating seeking missile that will get his nose down and tackle any thing. I want the quiet life next time
  11. On our local beach there is a poster on a post but its out the way so no body see's it. In all honestly most people just ignore the rules anyway. With bass you might hit on them one day and sod all for weeks so its case of making hay while the sun shines. Shore anglers have pretty much zero affect on any fish populations. Some people like to release them and I see plenty of good fish going back fair play and others don't
  12. Had the jump and go really high . I had that when I was a kid wonder what thats about. Great going up but oh shite coming back down lol
  13. 170 quid yesterday to have a wisdom out and I didn't like any of it lol.
  14. Plays a huge part the older dogs with sheep I remember my young dog must be 35 years ago like it was yesterday. He started off towards the sheep then looked back for the old dog who going the other way. You could see the cogs turning then it thought sod it I better stick with him. Job done never looked at a sheep again
  15. Every where is so built up around here now a days. Just no room. My dog all ways has his eye on me and works 30-40 yards ahead. When he was younger the amount times I would spot a fox in the distance and call him back because of roads or what ever. So now if I call him his like right what don't you want me to grab
  16. Stick them in any thing really. Handy being able to move them
  17. Can't see how you teach a terrier with any go about it how not to go to ground. I had a JR that never went to ground on rabbits no matter how large the holes but I never taught him he was just bought up ferreting and new. Any thing else he was straight in and many a pre-dinner wander went tits up and turned into a large excavation lol. Personally now a days I would go for one of bushing types that are less inclined
  18. Thats the long and short of it. Just keep topping up when ever they peep through or a bit sooner until we are clear of frosts. Once clear of frosts you can let them keep there there heads above the soil a bit. Do that until you get to the top of the bag
  19. Yea basically they just ain't fussed
  20. Bang on they are not easy to watch. Like you say why are they not kenneled. Like tethering a rabbit out in ya back yard
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