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Everything posted by terryd

  1. Nice to see you busy Ray. Grub looks great that’s good idea with chops
  2. Bass caught this afternoon. Bit of pig with fillet could done two meals but I battled through mullet during week
  3. Mines long gone mate. I actually ended up with a dog that actually wanted to hunt dogs with same enthusiasm as he would a fox. Once I twigged he never went off the lead again. It was stressful few years
  4. Dogs that are attacked by other dogs can really be affected big time as I know only to well. No advice to give as I made right hash of my old dog
  5. There is a recycling plant plant near our big river they discharge leachate which is the waste liquid from land fills straight into our river. Big cockle beds and all sorts down river plus my yummy mullet. People report it but they have license for it. Bloody joke yet some guy took salmon home got hammered with over 2 grand fine
  6. It looked bit of shambles and they kept straightening there jackets to try and look good for fb Funny old going on. surprised they didn’t pull a pose
  7. Hopefully this may do something other wise it’s a farce Just a moment... WWW.ELECTORAL-REFORM.ORG.UK
  8. That 20 grand before you pay tax from reform is very appealing that would make noticeable difference straight away more money in the bank to spend in the local economy. Every one wins and grows. Don’t need to be Einstein to figure that one out. As it is now we get hammered spend millions every where like it’s water of stuff bloody miles away yet local towns are now ghost towns with all the shops boarded up
  9. I know sod all about it and even I know it’s just going to be more of the same rubbish. The only thing that will change things and I would notice a difference is if reform get in
  10. Unfortunately being a farmer doesn’t make you a proper country man woman. There’s few farmers around all posh places with loads money packham country file types. They look at man with a dog chasing a rabbit like some thing they scrape off there shoe. They were a minority back in the 70’s 80’s in fact. The days of small farms with the old boys tottering about. Scruffy working places with sound people. Remember one farm I worked with the terrier and I would see the farmer in the distance and give him a wave and he waved back. As the years went on I got closer and closer lol. Sound chap shame the
  11. Ann Davies and it was in reply to one of them automated basc forms that emails your local mps. In fairness she at least made effort to reply. in other news all the antis are getting revved up
  12. Voted first time in my life reform for me. In another note this woman from plaid cymru can get knotted. People like her do my head in pompous bunch of gits. What right do they have. Clueless
  13. Think there’s something to be said fore that one set lark.
  14. Beautiful night to be out last night 3 am beach to my self. Weather spot on and bit of moon
  15. Yes get in is new priminister. Having to wait four years to get rid of these other prat’s is going be torture
  16. Is there anyway reform can get in with out waiting for next election?
  17. Fancied a change and fried up bit mullet
  18. Hopefully he got year or so yet Ray. That plonker of mine went on 2 or 3 years after his lump showed. Keep ya chin up Ray
  19. Farage just spoke at live event not long ago. Every word spoken sounded good to me. Only concern is it’s a long time before the next election and he may lose his fire. He don’t need to be there so is doing it out of choice. But then again his been around a while so hopefully not going any where
  20. Exactly every ones different. People say is such and such cross any good. Like you say all different so it’s a lottery
  21. Had one back in the eighties. A lovely little dog. So light mouthed I actually thought she had problem with her jaw. Used to holds rabbit literally by there skin. Lost her a few to start but she soon got nack. She was a cracker and more importantly a pleasure to live with which counts for a lot now a days
  22. As I slide into old age and slowly lose the plot I have decided to get into this alcohol stove lark. Today over high I cooked rabbit burger. Rather tasty to
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