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Everything posted by terryd

  1. Can you put me down for the tank top please. Just seen this and its right up my street lol. Very generous of you by the way
  2. What about Farage he any good he likes fishing ? clutching at straws ?
  3. I know one thing with this fishing lark you just got to get out there. I thought I had this bass fishing sussed with the right tides,weather and wind direction. But last year it went against the grain and some of my best days were when the conditions were dead against. Strong north eastly blow against the tide I had my pb and also best numbers of bass. So this year I am ignoring conditions and just getting out there
  4. The net is closing from all directions. Shooters are also getting it with packham and the general licences. Endless attempts to stop you shooting and load of rules. It is going to get worse and worse. Plus the big hooharr on gun ownership and the police are looking for an excuse to take your licence going by the news.
  5. Pot luck really and I haven't needed to buy any for years as they last but as said you would expect falconry ones to be better quality falconry+bell - Google Search WWW.GOOGLE.COM
  6. They are certainly not beginners guns I know that. Not if you hope to hit any thing any way
  7. Your bang on got up to all sorts but never made a nuisance of our selves. Great memories
  8. No way can they do that Yea not a hope. You can wear all the camo and trainers or flip flops or what ever it is lol and walk down the road with your dog on a bit of bailer twine it means nothing
  9. Two new criminal offences: firstly, trespass with the intention of using a dog to search for or pursue a hare; and secondly, being equipped to trespass with the intention of using a dog to search for or pursue a hare both punishable on conviction by an unlimited fine and/or up to six months’ imprisonment. How does the secondly bit work. All you need is a dog with 4 legs and bit of umph and be walking down a road
  10. A collar has never caused me a problem even with bells on. They can get caught on the net at times but small price to pay
  11. Ferreting if you don't have an over view of all the holes is a nightmare. Personally I would never put a ferret in holes on the side of a bank of cover where if the ferret surfaces you won't see it. I will do a hedge on my own because I use bells and the ferret is likely to go up or down the hedge and not in the field. Also the dog is the other side so he would tell me if the ferret surfaced. A dog can make all the difference and bells for me are more important than a locator
  12. Little trooper done well to make it to that age by look of it
  13. Jesus mate that sounds a bit industrious lol. Is there not a tin of stuff I whack on. That is only part of it. I have a flat wall around the yard too. Sort of see it here. Much worse now I painted it in nice cream paint. The yard is sort of sunken four or five feet below the upper yard above
  14. Time flies and 9 months will turn into a year then two. I would get a handle on it and stop all the legging it off to meet dogs as bow wow and play can turn into some thing else if things go wrong. My dog is a liability so I am in no position to advise lol but good luck
  15. I painted the walls in summer with aldi masonary paint and it looked great but as expected the dam green stuff came through once wet weather started. Any thing I can paint on to stop it ?
  16. Sorry I meant verbally leathered or typed what ever you want to call it in this case any way
  17. Some old boy on one of the local fb selling groups put his hunting clothing up for sale as he is retiring. He got leathered by the morons
  18. You lucky sod some flavour in that lamb mmmm
  19. They were cruising in for a feed this morning and now its my turn
  20. yea full sized spade has to be in your hand going through cover or if its one them small ones you can get away strapping to your bag but even they get snagged
  21. If it starts hunting before you have obedience in place then it will be uphill I think like bird said
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