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Everything posted by terryd

  1. As I was advised on here light bands really helps especially to start. Also as grey said this fella talks lot of sense and really helps
  2. Excellent start and great too see. Marking and nose work is key at least for day time. Any dog can lamp but not all are good in the day. I can remember my JR terrier doing his first mark about 38 years ago. Could walk to exact spot even now.
  3. Precise Gen3 .65 OTT 23/18 Flat Catapult Bands x3 Slingshot Elastic +15bb WWW.EBAY.CO.UK Hegarty slings catapult addicts microfibre pouch perfect for 8mm ammo and up. In testing these pouches are superior being strong with minimal stretch great feel...
  4. Yea I can't argue that because they just roll with all these general license changes. But there aint much else. I know there are another couple of orgs but they are all the same
  5. Only reason I joined basc was given them support to fight because it is only orgs like them that have the ability. Lurcher work hardly comes on there radar though. But its some thing
  6. Yea I went all out and got tape measure out this time lol. I think my biggest issue is when I pull back keeping my grip on the pouch level and not tilting it. I noticed that last night
  7. Came yesterday just got to practice now
  8. This was on fieldsports Britain. Worth a click for sure https://huntingkind.com
  9. It is not a case of slinking around with a lurcher in this neck of the woods you would catch very little. You need a ferret at least so then you have a bag of nets, a spade and box of ferrets. Hardly not noticeable then if they fine farmers for letting you on then that is out the window so it suddenly gets a bit tricky to say the least plus every tom dick and harry watching your every move. The days when you could walk five miles and never leave cover are long gone. Your tripping over eco warriors with there little sheds and solar panels plus bloody caravans tucked away every where.
  10. Who is the better option though ? I never know as I don't follow it much. Which I think is half the problem. Just assuming it is too ludicrous to happen is no longer an option
  11. Don't need links you can assume it is correct with out a doubt.
  12. Well they are on target fair play mag pies, jays and jack doors off the list last week. Bunch of idiots none of them know what the countryside is about. Our MP is actually a shooter but his the the only decent one we have. Its a disgrace
  13. Prefer jills. When you have to walk a lot its surprising how much a big old lump of a hob weighs lol
  14. What bands are you folks using then ? I have got 25/20 18 active bands and no idea where they fall in the scheme of things. I draw back to my cheek and the final inch gives me a bit of a wobble. I also have some old bands that I have pull to far back. Once I go past my cheek I am all over the place aim wise. I can now hit a 410 cartride case at about 10 yards or so after a few goes. Things are getting better slowly with a few shots every night
  15. Interesting thread nice to see dogs working with guns. I do a lot of shooting now and the next lurcher will be hopefully doing a lot shooting wise.
  16. They must be stupid can't they see it will come straight back at them
  17. I can remember it now back in the 80's lead acid battery bubble away. That smell of acid on your clothes and getting motivated reading Merle. Fine days. Country gone to shit now
  18. Yea big regret was about 20 year ago
  19. I bought all his books when I was a young fella. My pride and joy and I put covers on them all and they were pristine. Got married and got fed up of moving them around the house all the time because they were in a box that was all ways in the way. I threw the whole lot in the bin. Gutted now would been worth few quid
  20. I know one thing I wouldn't want to be in a tank on either side. Bloody death traps like sitting duck.
  21. So no license if you use less than two dogs so ferreting is ok and trail hunting will be ended so that is packs done It has a long way to go yet though so hopefully they stop it
  22. What pup have you got a gundog? There will no flying under the radar with lurchers if this goes through
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