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Everything posted by terryd

  1. great write up and pictures definite pink theme going on there too I rope my daughters into coming with me and as long as the weather is ok they enjoy it
  2. yea I understand what you mean I don't handle by the scruff as a rule. I used too my terriers but I guess ferrets are ok with that
  3. Cheers folks yes I have made an extra hole in it tonight will try it tomorrow when we go live as it were
  4. How tight do you put them on. Been getting my two used too it this morning. But the way it is fitted at the moment if they did decide too pull it over there heads they could on the other hand if I try do it up one more notch they don't like it much. There necks seem the same thickness as there heads. But they don't seemed bothered by them apart from when I am putting them on. I guess if they did get snagged under ground being able to pull out of one would be a good thing
  5. Thanks for the info every one and the shavings tip. Will ring the vet in the morning get them both done then the breeding side of things is sorted. That will be a worry other wise. They look in great health at the moment so want too keep them that way.
  6. mmm interesting would the hormone injection be a one off ? I read that it needs to be done before they come into season. Better ring the vet and get a price and advice. Might also ring the chap incase they have been breed all ready too
  7. Well at the ripe age of 42 after not having ferrets since I was about 20 I have decided to get back into it. Made the first step tonight and went too pets at home nad bought a rather nice looking hutch. Then met a chap who had a lovely couple of jills for sale just over a year old they seem great too handle. When I got every thing home it came as quite a surprise too the wife and kids who new nothing about it. Much too my amazement the girls are over the moon all most a much as the wife is She has been digging out some jumpers for there bedding for tonight Will pick up some straw and saw
  8. Good luck with your trip look forward too the reports and pics
  9. Cheers every one as you say nothing too loose I will take him down too some bracken banks at the weekend and see what he makes of things
  10. I have a 5 year old cocker spaniel who is basically a house dog and addicted too food. But he shows great interest in rabbits I bring back with the air rifle. I wonder what my chances of turning him into a marking dog would be. I have not used ferrets for about 25 years but did love it. The only thing stopping me is the trying too ferret with out a marking dog. We have plenty of rabbits in the area but not great banks of warrens etc so I would be pushed too find inhabited holes. Saying that it might be better than trying too turn this dog into a great marker like my little jack Russell used to
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