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Everything posted by terryd

  1. normally if you follow the gates it will leed you to the farm These are road side gates though I will knock on a door or too some one will know who owns them
  2. Any nifty web sites that show farm boundaries just roughly would suffice. I have my eye on a couple of fields but they could be owned by any one of about fours farms. Lining my self up for a rejection is bad enough with out doing it more times than needed
  3. Good going looks a nice hedge too that one
  4. I doubt you get better than a good terrier though
  5. I used old fertiliser bags this year and got about 4 lb of spuds out of each one and they tasted superb I had forgot what a potato should taste like. Few inches of compost and about 3 seed kestrel in each bag and topped up as they grew.
  6. Mine never seemed too get the food hot enough it was hot but not boiling
  7. yea also check out this forum blackwhippet forums wont let me post the link for some reason
  8. great pictures and top job. God I wish I had warrens like that too ferret
  9. I was quoted 35 this morning by ours so got him booked for the first week in jan
  10. Yep ferreting with out a dog is hard as I am finding out. I used to have a marking dog in my young days but now we have a pet cocker and can't have another dog so I am stuck doing it the hard way. Did about 6 warrens Sunday all looked fresh but no joy and also using inexperienced ferrets so you start too doubt the ferrets as well. I do plan too try our cocker but I aint hopeful he was yelping like a baby at the weekend when a bramble went across his nose so him diving into brambles too put rabbits too ground is a step or two away.
  11. I thought from what I have read it was more too do with the constant bleeding which caused the problem as they stay in season ? As I say I never had a problem 20 years ago but this is one of the joys of the internet you find out new info
  12. Just checking my options for the spring. I have two jills just over a year old and had them booked into the vets to be done. But at the last moment changed my mind encase one is a very good worker and I decide too have a litter in the future. So my options when they come into season are too sit tight and hope all is well. I don't member ever having problems when I had ferrets as a kid. Buy a hob and have him done for the purpose and also work him. I have read a vasectomised hob will bring jill out of season ? The jill jab is it a once a year thing ? Or find a localish vasectomised h
  13. How much do you handle them ? I try to handle my twice daily when I feed them even if it is only to pick them up quick stroke and back down again cause they were a little bit nippy too start as the wife found out But they are fine now
  14. Yes I made an extra hole it now fits nice and tight but not so as too strangle her, also snipped a bit off and cut a nice point on it so all is good
  15. Any recommended game fairs in Wales other than the welsh game fair near Carmarthen ? Been too that a few times but once you have been once there is not much too it.
  16. great write up and pictures definite pink theme going on there too I rope my daughters into coming with me and as long as the weather is ok they enjoy it
  17. yea I understand what you mean I don't handle by the scruff as a rule. I used too my terriers but I guess ferrets are ok with that
  18. Cheers folks yes I have made an extra hole in it tonight will try it tomorrow when we go live as it were
  19. How tight do you put them on. Been getting my two used too it this morning. But the way it is fitted at the moment if they did decide too pull it over there heads they could on the other hand if I try do it up one more notch they don't like it much. There necks seem the same thickness as there heads. But they don't seemed bothered by them apart from when I am putting them on. I guess if they did get snagged under ground being able to pull out of one would be a good thing
  20. Thanks for the info every one and the shavings tip. Will ring the vet in the morning get them both done then the breeding side of things is sorted. That will be a worry other wise. They look in great health at the moment so want too keep them that way.
  21. mmm interesting would the hormone injection be a one off ? I read that it needs to be done before they come into season. Better ring the vet and get a price and advice. Might also ring the chap incase they have been breed all ready too
  22. Well at the ripe age of 42 after not having ferrets since I was about 20 I have decided to get back into it. Made the first step tonight and went too pets at home nad bought a rather nice looking hutch. Then met a chap who had a lovely couple of jills for sale just over a year old they seem great too handle. When I got every thing home it came as quite a surprise too the wife and kids who new nothing about it. Much too my amazement the girls are over the moon all most a much as the wife is She has been digging out some jumpers for there bedding for tonight Will pick up some straw and saw
  23. Good luck with your trip look forward too the reports and pics
  24. Cheers every one as you say nothing too loose I will take him down too some bracken banks at the weekend and see what he makes of things
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