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Everything posted by terryd

  1. I love it sounds like you got a great setup love the ferret too
  2. Great stuff love the pictures and that looks superb spot wish I had the equivalent
  3. Nearest shop is 20 miles away some times online is just easier
  4. My jill went in with the vac hob yesterday and my other jill is just starting too come in season. My hob made me laugh his never seen her before in his life. Walked straight up grabbed her scruff and dragged her into the bed. The hutch was rocking around on the stand all morning he did let her stop for dinner though before carrying on. Who said romance was dead oh and since the jill has been taken out his going nuts running up and down and when I let him out he heads straight there hutch and climbs the wire shouting let me in. Be glad when the breading season is out the way
  5. Thank you that will do nicely
  6. Any one recommend a bag on ebay just for when I have too park the car down the road and carry the gun too the door. I see there is a bit of choice but you never know what your getting. Just in case some one has bought one and they were happy. The gun is an hw77 Thanks
  7. Sorry too hear that col but you done your best
  8. At the end of the day col obviously looks after his animals and is doing his best by it and just wanted some opinions. Shame these threads have too turn into mass augments and get spoiled
  9. Mine just seem too love dry food I try them with chicken drums and bits of rabbit but they just stash it. I could starve them I guess but I dont mind them eating dry so long as there healthy and they still enjoying tracking down mr bunny which is the main thing. Also an egg a week and I treated them too a drop of goat milk this week
  10. Just read this site http://www.all-about-ferrets.com/how-to-breed-ferrets.html and she is swollen like the picutre but apparently I need to wait two weeks so looks like it will be next weekend now
  11. I used too go too the scolton manor game fair near Haverfordwest as a kid but I guess it is long gone now.
  12. Yea my hob loves the hanging basket in his hutch seems to be a favourite of his
  13. One snipped hob and one in season jill. If I lob them together in a dog carry box for a couple of hours should that suffice. I need too keep disruption such a noise too a minimum. Cheers
  14. Looks fine I had visions of a sharp drop going into a fast flowing stream
  15. Looks nice easy spot if you dont have a dog maybe beat the rushes first. That is what I try and do the bramble patches etc
  16. Getting bit late in the season ? may be better getting a young one for next year ?
  17. Hi what is a cheap way of treating wood against the weather ? I made a hutch today out of some wood I had laying around but it was all untreated stuff. Never made one before but it turned out quite good. My hob is in it now as I didn't feel happy with him in the pets at home job just seemed so thin. At the moment I just have a tarp on top but I have a horrible feeling once it rains the wood is all going too warp
  18. That is good price I paid that for a hutch in hind site shed would been much better though we all ready have one shed and as its rented house dont think we allowed two. Get some pictures up
  19. Gave up on bowls my hob could turn a 5 gallon drum over his built like schwarzenegger and makes a mission of flipping them over
  20. My two have started doing the exact same thing. I feret with out a dog so have too run them throgh a lot of empty holes. In the occupied ones once in hunting mode they are not a problem. But very frustrating too spend half an hour on an emtpy two holer trying to get the ferret out. I handle them loads and gently too
  21. Good little session and thats a nice looking dog too
  22. They might have just been a bit over welmed I guess try a nice cosey 2 - 3 holer some where
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