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Everything posted by terryd

  1. Well she got to grab a rabbit. Heard a thump and a rustle in thick old hedge. Pup started casting about and wanted to go through the fence. Unknown to me there was bloody fox next door. I could see a one holer tucked away so had a hunch. She wanted to go after the fox so tied her up then cheeky sod walked through to our side and walked across field. She was focused on him so didn’t see the rabbit balled up in the hedge but at least she got a bit of fur in her chops so it will all come together Actually got two out the one hole. Just netted the run as couldn’t get it over the hole. You ca
  2. Yea that sounds about right. Think it’s important to honour pups mark. Once you get going it don’t matter so much
  3. Yes interesting colours. Has this odd brown on her leg too
  4. There is odd few about but all ways in thick cover. A terrier would be more suited but also get me in lot bother. So for Lurcher pup it’s hard going. Just case of searching out the easier holes and she will find some thing in end. Once penny drops we be in business
  5. Good mooch about with the pup today tire the little bugger out. All ways take the ferret in case I get a mark. Be nice to get netted rabbit for her to grab. Tough going this way though even an adult would struggle. Makes it all the better when it does happen though. Flushed few pheasant chased a squirrel all good fun. Bumped into a chap with a terrier today too. Not sure which one of us was most surprised ? Nice to meet you hope you got what you wanted. Bloody great to see some one out there doing there thing.
  6. Just after the dosh. Like any one cares. Sadly they do been on bloody news all day
  7. Roll on the new season I say. Lovely fish
  8. Yes and replace with self sufficiency and living off the land. Be more useful the way things are going
  9. Don't drink or smoke but love my tea and coffee. Couple cups nescafe goldblend to start the day then yorkshire tea through the day. Then nice couple mugs of twinnings lose leaf in evening
  10. Yes true. By the time you sort first months rent a bond and few other bits and bobs thats two grand or best part of it gone before you start. Not many have that sort of money laying around now a days starting out
  11. I guess with the current housing situation at the moment its pushing people into it maybe. My daughter wanted to move house a rental and every property there was huge competition it was like a lottery. She did find some where in the end. I can't imagine the logistics of it though going to work 8 hours a day and keeping clean plus pets would be nigh on impossible unless your loaded and just choose to do it
  12. Also and with greatest of respect its a lot to do with the person at end of the lead. I include my self in that. If you went to a trainer and he took the lead she would be a different dog. You think great get home and your in same boat. As far as trainers go you need the right one not one that will just throw kibble at the dog and starts crying if you give it a yank. Needs a balanced approach I think is the buzz word lol . First thing is stop repeating what your doing at the moment or your in for a life time of it
  13. Posts like this are what the forum is about and this is what we need. No rubbish talked apart from this post and all on track. I can't really do any hunting posts this season much as I have an old dog and a pup but hopefully next season
  14. Under the circumstances I dont think zapping it is a good idea. Do what ever you have to avoid passing dogs close and start working at a distance. A correction on the lead may be in order though to let her know its not on. Good luck not easy some times
  15. Is it when your walking the dog or when the dog is kenneled or is the dog lose in the yard ? The more you rehearse it the worse it will get so change some thing straight away to stop it while you decide what your doing
  16. Yep thats part of cunning plan once I can hit some thing with the dam thing lol Oh you mean the duck no 12 gauge this morning lol. Dog wasn't involved but getting her used to them
  17. Yep rabbit numbers are well down but it surprising how much sport you can get out of one rabbit. One rabbit makes me a happy bunny lol. The new pup is hopefully just going to be mooching companion though as you need to be versatile now a days to get any sort of sport. The country side is filling up and fast in my area nearly every bit of woodland that used to give a bit of cover for the hunting man to do his thing now has a bloody tent or a caravan on it. Houses going up all over the shop. Its getting difficult for sure
  18. Any one recommend some ? Undecided between the green ones from farmers coop the farmers wear or a pair of army surplus gortex. I have a pair of army ones off a chap in the TA pretty old and complete waste of time but I guess things have improved
  19. Its all very sad makes you realise how lucky you are if your in good health. On another note I had the flue a few weeks ago and it absolutely floored me fever freezing sweating. Keeling over when ever I stood up. I thought to my self how do the homeless survive it must be absolute torture sleeping under cardboard if your really ill. Poor sods again make you realise how lucky you are are. Only takes one wrong turn in life or one disaster and your up the creek
  20. Just got to cover a lot of ground maybe try known earths that can hold. I all ways favoured bracken banks. Hazel type woods along the top edge or along the bottom. Used to do quite well and find a fair bit. I don't dig now a days but there are more foxes about than there used to be. I would imagine it would be easier to find foxes now a days but over here in sunny wales its not my thing any more
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