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Everything posted by terryd

  1. That's great you should have that family picture framed very nice. How were them mounds formed ?
  2. I would get back with the lamp if you can be easier to spot her wandering around and block the holes if you haven't all ready. Maybe the collar failed for what ever reason or she went extra deep and got her self stuck on the wrong side of a dead rabbit
  3. Could she have slipped out unseen ?
  4. Yea nothing worse than pulling a dog away from a mark there just not impressed at all
  5. If a bamboo snaps on hard ground your quite likely too give your self a piercing
  6. Happened last year rabbit bolted ferret behind it. Only small warren so boxed up ferret start to pick up nets and another bolted out of the same hole that I had just taken the net off
  7. Makes sense the sound may spook the rabbit regardless of if there is a ferret attached. The ferret could be playing the banjo it would have same affect
  8. yea they look cheap enough I bought these nice and loud http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B0030U92BU/ref=oh_details_o06_s00_i00
  9. Very nice pictures there they say it all. Lovely little terrier too
  10. They are reassuring to have on especially when the ferret surfaces in cover and you can follow there progress. They do get snagged in nets but still prefer to have them on now. I used to use them as a youngster but when I started backup I didn't bother until I saw them in action and it reminded me how handy they are
  11. 2 weeks on 2 weeks off give or take depending on weather etc. The op is right though the weather is ideal at the moment and you can bet any thing once the moon is workable the cold spell will arrive with its -5 and rock hard ground
  12. Plenty of sites online too plan your trips out http://www.chiddingstone.kent.sch.uk/homework/moon/#6 http://www.moon-phases.net/
  13. Personally I think your better off channelling all your spare time and effort into the least amount of dogs as possible. You will get more potential out of one dog than ten I would think as you can obviously concentrate all your spare time and work on it
  14. Our cocker is the perfect house dog with the mrs. He is show bred though but a right pain in the ass in the field but that is my fault not his. He also has a lot of hunting instinct despite the show bred part
  15. I did the same as a kid a small car battery and a head light never went any great distance with it though. Eventual got a motor bike battery. Getting over fences was all ways fun because you new you could kiss good bye to some of your clothes next day
  16. Presents for dog be wrapping them up next ! Yea ok I put me hands up
  17. You need too look at the bigger picture. You give him a good hiding and say you get 6 months while your munching through cake looking for a file the wife sent you. He is stretched out in hospital being fed grapes and having his sweaty brow mopped by the victim. He also puts in a claim for compo which he gets off you or the government if your skint and using that to get drunk every night and dish out more abuse. So you lose big time. There is only one person in the scenario that can turn things around and that is the poor lass her self. She needs support and encouragement and hopefully one day
  18. There are some scum about. The police do there best with what they have too work with or at least the ones on the beat do. But they have to follow instructions from higher up.
  19. Has he shown no intrest as yet terry? I think he has potential we had 2 pheasants and woodcock at the weekend. He sniffs the hell out of my longnets and is all over any dead rabbits. I just need to give him the right opportunity and I am sure the penny will drop. But he is such a hand full never walks all way runs non stop. He is very yappy and excitable so I struggle to find spots where I can take him and as rule there are never rabbits there. The spots that do have rabbits I take my ferreting mates and I could never inflict him on them. But I am sticking with him
  20. and even if it don't help with the recall he will be too fat too run away I hardly think a few wee bits o hotdog oer the space o a few weeks is gonna make a dog fat pal I know I was joking some times humour or sarcasm does not carry across the interweb
  21. If I could get my old cocker too mark he could play the trumpet for all I care
  22. and even if it don't help with the recall he will be too fat too run away
  23. When you say food doesnt work have you tried some thing very tasty like cooked chicken bits of liver ?
  24. Me too if the wife checks my history i am a gonna
  25. Beef basically a big sunday roast with extra veg choices you just can't beat a bit of beef
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