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Everything posted by terryd

  1. Hunting fishing small holdings rearing your own meat and allotments is where it is at. But they want to wipe all that out and send us to tesco
  2. Tragic poor mite. Should unleash hell on them two now
  3. Never really followed the grey hound racing but there was a greyhound back ten year or so that was well known for exploding out the trap. I looked at couple of YouTube videos and was exciting stuff
  4. Sorry if it’s on here ready but no harm Petition: The Welsh Government should support greyhound racing in Wales PETITIONS.SENEDD.WALES The Welsh Government are currently considering banning greyhound racing in Wales. This...
  5. Fine looking dog anyway I wouldnt worry about it
  6. Its a fact nans can cook. My nans stews and suet pudding or an egg pie of some sort with stew on top was amazing. I am so gutted I don't have the recipes. She lived for cooking and no one came through the door with out being fed if they liked it or not lol. RIP
  7. terryd


    This one would put guns dogs to shame Rigby The Teckel WWW.(!64.56:886 Rigby The Teckel. 521 likes · 53 talking about this. A miniature very-fit working Teckel having excellent scenting ability, tracks, flushes, retrieves; soft mouthed... But I think his the exception.
  8. I think your right the news seems to be setup to guide people into thinking what ever they want us to think. Maybe they actually have a glut of cucumbers and actually want shot lol. The news said earlier energy bills on average were going from 2000 to 3000 so thats 50%. I must watched different news they cant even in lie in unison. Every one is just going bonkers
  9. I am going to judge you now the dog is what he is and if you wanted a slight speed machine should bought whippet. All you can do is keep him fit and thats your lot really
  10. Bbc news today shelves absolutely bare. I went shopping Saturday tesco and aldi no issues loads stock. The news makes me sick does my swede in. In other news the daily mail reported that knob head I can't remember the name of and dont care was miss gendered 5 times on some tv show. God give me strength I despair
  11. There was a good article in the countymans weekly about this Hunting Kind - The opportunity to make the voice of the ‘Rural Voter’ heard. HUNTINGKIND.COM Hunting Kind - If you care about proper wildlife management, our countryside, our cultural heritage, our rural community fabric, our civil liberties, our rural... I think they are onto some thing and its our best and probably only chance Not bought that mag for years but any thing that at least tried to promote us is got to be worth couple quid
  12. Think it will boil down to is it committed and will it strike at the first chance come what may. A 100% commited strike at first chance no matter what puts quarry in the bag though it also has its downside
  13. Think your right Ray though father is a kelpie grey and mother collie grey though there is greyhound in the grand parents. It is hard to explain lol I remember the first picture I saw of her was a definite wow moment for me Right better go walk the little sod lol
  14. Yep such a joke bet hares hardly got into second gear
  15. Sure I saw some where two folks got done for coursing with gsp's. Think they were just walking them and they took after a hare. I know the gsp's are no slouches but come on. Be like coursing with corgies
  16. I think its the advertising and obviously the more subscribers you have the more they like you This guy https://www.youtube.com/@FLAIR. has 2.6 million and his does some good duck shooting stuff and pretty sure at one point youtube demonistised him due to content killing stuff etc and I think he mentioned 6 figure sums being lost in a month. But seems to have money coming out of his ears. Nice chap but talks really fast which annoys me lol
  17. So far going to plan and her biggest issue is she loves people but of all the vices I will take that one. Absolute character and I often find my self just laughing at her. I some times eat an apple on our walks and when she’s not looking lob core in the hedge. I noticed few times she would suddenly be walking along eating an apple core. I thought hang on I threw that way back. The other night sure enough she was busy 30 yards ahead so I threw core in hedge and forgot about it. Ten minutes later there she is munching on a core. Never even saw her go back. Cracks me up. We were out the other nig
  18. Love that the old dog be having dreams about that now
  19. CCTV Jok and the owners happen to not be hunting fans. Things happen and fox hounds kill foxes. Admittedly not the nicest site to see in your garden but the good old news ooohh ahh like hamlet that video. Couldn't just be impartial and report what happened or even better not report it at all. Not like its earth shattering news but then most of it never is now a days. Rumour has it I can only buy 3 cumbers when I go shopping now as well crikey
  20. Your right about the thighs that sounds a good. Looks lovely. As for Purple Sprouting best veg going
  21. That looks tasty chicken stew tends to be bit bland. That chicken breast and some veg boiled up? Looks nice colour
  22. I agree you expect ferreting with nets to still be fine and dog marking holding. Thing is dog will get runners or get them before net. As you say very vague
  23. I still don't get whats wrong with a wild mammal being chased and killed by a dog. Does the whole country have to now be a bunch of little furry fluffy animal lovers. How soft does the country have to get. If that is your thing thats fine but sod off and leave every one else alone
  24. The media now a days and espeacially the news is absolute poison scare mongering head line hunting basically shit stirring half the time to grab a head line. They wreck every thing they mention. Standards have really gone out the window. They should shut there mouths and report the facts no hypothesizing or asking stupid questions to trip people up
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