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Everything posted by terryd

  1. Cheers thanks for that. It sounds like the general licence type thing we have to use to shoot a bloody pigeon
  2. I quite simply don't under stand it but does this not say no hunting with dogs 1 Offence of hunting a wild mammal using a dog (1) A person commits an offence if— (a) the person hunts a wild mammal using a dog, and 10 (b) none of the exceptions in sections 3, 5, 6, 6A, 6B or 7 apply.
  3. So one or two lurchers its business as normal ?
  4. It is a 100% going to pass and the gundog folks are scrambling to hold onto what they can but I suspect lurchermen won't even be mentioned
  5. It seems focused on fox hunting and a two dog limit. So are they sneaking rabbits in too. Does this mean one dog is fine ? All very unclear so far
  6. How ever it ends it will be licence this licence that and a ton of paper work. Joe bloggs who wants to pop out for hour with his ferret and lurcher has no chance
  7. Technically you could just use a dog for marking and tie it up. Try explaining the workings of a marking dog to old bill though Also bet the poor old fox hounds are sweating now. Most of them will be toast wheres you bloody animal welfare there
  8. Just sickening. I am in Wales but you just know its coming. What on earth are folks going to do. I assume your up North Details of the act are here. As you said being handled today Stage 3 WWW.PARLIAMENT.SCOT
  9. If it does happen in Scotland then technically from a ferreting point of view you still use a marking dog but not let it chase ? Try policing that one. Luckily Scotland is a big place
  10. The rivers and streams around me are decimated compared to what they used to be. Not sure if its the run off from farms which are more intensive now a days with one great big farm that used to be 4 smaller ones or not. After a good rain the banks would be lined with anglers as a kid. You would hear people yelling all along the bank as they landed good fish. Rare to see an angler on the banks now most have given up. Little brooks in winter it was quite common to spot lovely fish that had pushed up into streams you could step across. Not now
  11. That cant come to fruition surely a country where its illegal to chase a rabbit with a dog.
  12. Its not a done deal though thought shooting orgs were trying to stop it for fear of losing there rough shooting ?
  13. Country gone soft. Dawn raids for terrier men just absurd. Bring back the good old days
  14. Any ideas I have a few in the fridge. Normally just lob them in with the rest. But fancy some thing different. Could just roll in bacon and throw in air frier.
  15. Another 3 this morning nice open small warrens. She didn’t mark or show interest but they had that look. By the time the third one bolted she was getting into the swing of pegging them. Made good call when ferret showed too. Not so much with the horse in the field so I better get on that lol. What might help with marking is get my arse out bed so she can run one in. She hit a line at dusk and followed it a treat but we were just having a walk this evening. Only a pup so no rush just enjoying the time helping get some long net poles this afternoon
  16. I picked this Jill up at the end of year before last. I had two jills and one died so I needed company for her. It was start of season and all kits had been sold. But found guy on fb one left. When I got there the kits he was keeping were all over the wire to come out. The one he was getting rid rid of he couldn’t find it. She was hiding in bottom level in corner behind some thing a nervous wreck. I didn’t give it second thought as she was just company for other one. Got home and few months in she was still a wreck and ran and hid. I said to mrs I cocked up there no chance of working she’s jus
  17. If his like his sister I am sure he is lol. Must be this collie lark which I am liking
  18. This is her brother his a fine looking dog. Marked a fox to ground the other day. The whole litter are doing well. I would been happy with any of them. But fancied a bitch this time around.
  19. Not sure what the issue is really people are obviously seeing big cats of various sorts including my self the once and they are escapies or have just been let go
  20. We just spent last few weeks moving daughter in and she’s spent all her savings. Had an email today they sending some round to value her place this week ffs. Hopefully it’s for some thing other than selling up but she’s gutted with worry now. Shouldn’t be allowed
  21. Told me mole mans caught one then wanted nibble his marker lol
  22. Cleared 21 think she be 22-23 at push. Nice size. Old fella is 27 so fancied a small dog. Only rabbits I am bothered with or the odd fat rabbit lol so no point having big lump
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