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Everything posted by terryd

  1. Every thing looks to be doing really well Jim including the ferrets. If I ever get my allotment half as productive as that I will be happy. I have some bottles of rhubarb water on stand by
  2. Out of interest does any one use hazel end pins ? I tried on my first attempt at a net so wasn't bothered what I used but I found them really nice to handle. Much better feel running the net out because you could feel every thing and silent. I understand you have to cut your lines and lose the nice running of a circular line but I didn't really have any issues. Also the danger of the pins slipping through the net of course I did attempt to make some wooden circular pins but as you see they didn't pan out but handle nice any way
  3. Well I have been quite busy and with the wifes and daughters help we are making some head way. Also gifted some plants from a neighbour which has been really helpful. Now I have a few things in I can slow down and enjoy things a bit. Had a chat with the previous owner today who showed me a comfrey plant that I would have unknowing chopped down and also how to make fertiliser out of it. He showed me the end result which looked like an olive oil all very clever stuff. and hardly a third of the way yet
  4. I was thinking the same Luke but didnt have a clue where to start until I saw this. I think the 12 inch mesh is square
  5. Very informative I was looking for a post like this the other day because I just couldn't envisage how it was assembled. Needs to be pinned so it doesn't drift off as I haven't found a post describing it any where else.
  6. All I can say is mine was fine and best thing I did he is a great character now a days and pleasure to own. Also works fine when ever he gets the opportunity
  7. terryd

    Netting Coats

    I found them bit jangly too mind you not as much as when I clank my end pins together I would be no good at that operation game
  8. terryd

    Netting Coats

    I copied tc's too works well very discrete too unless you put it on inside out
  9. Dam good read shame to see them drift off into the archives
  10. Every thing looks to be thriving there. Will you be using any netting to keep things off the sprouts and broccoli ? or see how it goes
  11. Good luck terry be good to hear of your progress. Will do darbo here is a few pictures Looking forward to getting stuck in Quite a long plot too you have got your work cut out terry, ours was like that when we got it. a good project to have. wish you luck and seeing future pics. will you be getting some hens? No animals allowed are on the plots darbo
  12. Too risky to let out that's how disasters happen they give some dangerous people a chance take there eyes off them for a second and bang. Imagine him stuck in the que in tesco while the check our person faths around for 10 hours some one is going to leaving via the window
  13. Good luck terry be good to hear of your progress. Will do darbo here is a few pictures Looking forward to getting stuck in Quite a long plot too
  14. This fella tc http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Bronson_%28prisoner%29 This bit made me chuckle ----------------- He ran 90 miles (140 km) away from the scene to his parents' home, where he was apprehended. ------------------ No wonder he went loopy
  15. Picked up the keys to my first ever allotment this morning well chuffed. Its all over grown with grass so plenty of work. I had a choice of one with some gooseberry bushes or rhubarb on so I opted for the rhubarb. Looks like it has been there a while just needs a bit of maintenance maybe. Will have to read up. Plenty of ideas on this thread too
  16. god yea stewed with custard mmmmm
  17. My JR in all his years of ferreting never dropped to ground on rabbit but he would fox. He started ferreting from very young age and new his stuff. But I guess others may do
  18. Lovely looking fish well done really envious of your meal. Just sea fish my self river seems so pricey
  19. Balls going to have to make one of them now that's the problem with these good threads
  20. Had an interest in hunting from an early age I remember running around the fens with a home made bow and arrow must have been about 8. Never hit any thing mind. Then we moved to wales and the old chap across the road had ferrets and showed me how to snare rabbits. So I started setting a few snares for rabbit and fox and some fenns for mink. Used to have a little trap line I walked every day thought I was davey crockett Also trapped a few mole 5p a skin if I remember correctly Got my first ferret followed by my first terrier. That little dog taught me a hell of a lot and we grew up together
  21. If she legs when she hits a scent I suspect not sounds like a promising worker if you can get a handle on her. Not easy I know. As a kid my cousins Jack Russell used to have a working range of about 2 fields made me chuckle because mine stayed with in a 100 yards unless he hit a scent then he just followed it too its conclusion. Only way I could get him off the scent if he was heading for trouble was to shout rabbit and point in the other direction then he would coming legging it back. Never forget the disgusted look he used to give me when he twigged I had lied
  22. This is a good read tc http://www.anglersbookcase.com/ Made up of various articles from the magazine. More than welcome to have a lend next time I see you
  23. As soon as possible now is the time if it was me
  24. Well going by this http://www.agouti-nets.co.uk/product/41-500g-green-long-net-twine bottle green polyester makes approx 45 yards at 14 meshes so 3 of them @ 9 quid to round it off which gives ample to spare to start the next one £27 a roll of nylon for your top and bottom lines say £10 a roll of purse net twine for your selvedge £10 some postage ball park £10 and cut some hazel for you pegs for free Then need to sort your end pins £10-15 so £60-70 give or take for a 50 yard rigged net or maybe cut down and make a nice 25 yarder if funds are tight or what ever lengt
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