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Everything posted by terryd

  1. looking good tel, never mind about the size as all the rest will be wasted as for the comfrey, is the lump of concrete to hold it down? have you tried putting it in a pillow case and tieing it to the tub, then you can give the water ( stale ) a shake to liven it up Yea the concrete is just to weight it down. I am not adding water to it just letting rot down until I get the oil like lquid. It doesnt smell as much then and is very concentrated. Takes longer mind but in no rush now
  2. One of you spuds even looks like it is smiling jj . Love all the cucumbers hanging down too. Been tidying my path last day or two to try and stop grassing and weeds sneaking across. I didn't like to waste the space so I ran a line of giant winter spinach down it The comfrey distillery Few pickings today Now the funny thing is that cabbage came from a seedling given to me by my mate in next plot. He gave me one of his cabbages today to as he had spare from the same batch. Slight size difference He put it down to his ground being well manured where as my plot
  3. Being buzzed with a strimmer sounds worse to me
  4. good going tel i've pulled all our peas but got quite a few so we are happy, did you have any caterpillars in the pods? we did, not that many though and apparently they are on the flower before they pod now i know for next year No I didn't notice any caterpillars but they were covered in netting. That scaffold netting was the best thing I have bought. Should get a few years out of it too. I wouldn't fancy my chances other wise. It seems to keep every thing out and so far I have only found one caterpillar under it in the whole plot. It cost me 60 quid for 2 x 50 metre by 2 me
  5. ive a bucket full of comfrey tea and nettle tea stinks to high heaven. only having about a 50% success rate on the cauliflowers some have nice tight heads and the others pathetic. have you grown any? I have a few that I planted darbo from seed called all year round cauliflower but at the moment they are only 6-7 inches tall they seem slow to get going. ​Gave them bit of comfrey yesterday to see if they can get motivated
  6. Just the ticket darbo I picked my first spuds today nice too. I am sitting here smelling like a sewer at moment got some Comfrey tea on me hands. Will make the next lot with out water
  7. Nice surprise on the peas today was expecting a thimble full but we got enough for 2 Sunday lunches for the 5 of us. I only planted handful as an after thought wasn't expecting much. So next year I will treat them as a good crop
  8. I was nibbling my peas tonight when I was hoeing Going to let the daughter pick them this week doubt I will get a tin full but she will have fun. I will plant lots more next year
  9. if they sense any weakness or flex they will have a go but if the mesh is solid they don't seem to bother
  10. Very happy at the moment just a couple of yards undug which can be done any time. Purple sprouting is looking settled in Dwarf french beans shot up Turnips look happy Courgettes have really gone loopy I should have given them more breathing room but I will know next year. Picking some every other day Knocked up some chutney tonight and it was bloody delicious if a bit hot might skip the chilli next time recipie from here http://www.rivercottage.net/users/Pam%20the%20Jam/blog/1281015134-courgette-aid-and-jam-fest/ Made mistake of popping in garden cent
  11. That is very true when I did my run I remember singing and dancing at mile 30. Mind you I wasn't doing much dancing at the end on mile 50 but it is a hell of a buzz
  12. contador but he was stripped of it due to drugs lol ah I see you meant this year
  13. Didn't enjoy it as much again this year once there is a clear leader unless there is a disaster its in the bag. Much prefered the year when contador and schleck were going toe to toe up the mountains
  14. Have a flick around any surrounding fields late at night with a lamp will give a good idea of whats going on and any possible ambush routes for the net maybe
  15. Stunning jim fair play every thing looks great. As for the calabreeze well that puts the tesco veg to shame for sure. I was feeling chuffed just because I managed to put 3 bags of broadbeans in the freezer this week Oh keep us posted on the rhubarb water
  16. Some great pictures there that is one hell of a plot are you sure its big enough How are your Brassica looking so healthy with out netting no caterpillar damage ?
  17. Them onions look healthy too bet they are going to taste good. Fed up of shop bought ones that don't keep very well
  18. That is a pain darbo I didnt think they would be that keen to enter a netted section for fear of getting trapped. But seen few flapping about stuck in other peoples netting. If I catch any in mine they will be introduced to mr short crust
  19. Yea I was expecting to get pulled going down dual carrageway Plenty of lettuce to come there jj and are they onions in the pots on the left ? Got few bits from my containers in the back yard tonight looking forward to the runners
  20. Very envious of every ones fruit loads of raspberries the size of strawberries and plenty of black currents. Birds are having a great time of it saw a black bird nearly have a hernia trying to fly off with a raspberry. Seems to be the neglected allotments have the most fruit too. Going to have to sort some thing for next year
  21. Biked up the allotment this morning at 5 get things done before the sun gets nasty. Was lovely and cool also got to do a bit of rabbit surveillance on the way Planted some leeks I bought this week and sowed few raddish and beetroot. spuds have started to flower Got the rest of the day to avoid the sun now
  22. Very nice jj does any one have tips on cabbage worm ? most are under net and fine but half a dozen given to me just popped in a space with no cover looking nibbled and lots of black bits in middle. Might sprinkle with self raisin flour as a test
  23. Thanks tc worked on the wifes. Looks good rew look forward to it
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