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Everything posted by terryd

  1. Very true no good having bulging bank balance and dropping dead. Just pay the bills and do what ever you enjoy
  2. Nice few rabbits I thought it was all bare mountains up the valleys not all bare good for you I used to take a couple of lads lamping from the rhondda valley way.
  3. Nice few rabbits I thought it was all bare mountains up the valleys
  4. Pot luck with out a marking dog wish I had one. On the plus side you get so used to ferreting empty holes when one does bolt its a hell of a suprise Like said above going with a good dog gives you a much better idea of what the ferrets are up to and is great for starting young ferrets off
  5. My best ever lurcher was a lurcher x lurcher no idea what the make up was but both good working parents. I think but no expert on it good working stock with the traits you want is the key what ever it is This thread should be helpful too http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/297011-rabbiting-dogs/
  6. Yes Phil I will be getting back quicker in future my mending skills are very poor. I go out side with the best intentions and lose my rag and end up cobbling it back together. But it will come just need to bring it indoors when I have plenty of time and fire up some of tc's posts
  7. Yea nice hole looks like it got steam rolled by a beaver. His feet were well and truly bound up but another minute or two I am sure mr houdini would have been away. He ain't getting out of the plastic tub in the fridge mind
  8. Hadn't planned on going out tonight. But coming back from tesco i could see the trees blowing about so it had to be done. NE wind is perfect for the drop I had in mind. When I got on site it was quieter than expected so I sneaked into position ran out 2 x 50 and it was one of them nights where they just slid off the pins with out a niggle. A nice slow bant of the field which is quite big and I had one rabbit to show for it the first one in my home made net which is going be followed by my first repair on my home made net. My bant must have been bit too slow and it nearly chewed its way out
  9. forecast to drop tomorrow for us and pretty quiet for the week then or at least the first half
  10. Doesn't offend me in the slightest just not as blood thirsty as I used to be but I still enjoy my sport and I never could knit If you enjoy it go for it
  11. I have one spayed jill and one castrated hob and a whole jill, The spayed one and the hob were happy as larry all summer but the whole jill left in season did not seem that happy she lost a lot of weight and obviously didn't seem very comfortable so next year I may get her spayed or jabbed rather than leave her job done then. Saying that now the winter is here she has put on the weight again and flying around the yard. My spayed jill turned out to be a cracking worker mind but not the end of the world plenty of ferrets about if I ever need a replacement
  12. killing for killings sake wouldnt appeal to me but in my younger days it probably would have
  13. Same thing happened to the bitch in my avatar she made it to a good 16-18 years mind. In her later years the grandmother collared her as a compained and a pet and looked after her really well which is why she lived so long I guess. But when the grandmother passed away I had her back for her final years. When her back end went I came home from work one day and bit the bullet carried her down to the vet. Not easy but had to be done
  14. terryd


    first page here http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/288275-genuine-netting-suppliers-and-net-makers/ for you
  15. In this neck of the woods the rabbits just aren't in numbers that a farmer would put his hand in his pocket. Saying that as a kid a market gardener used to pick me and my cousin up take us to his farm pay us a pound a rabbit and let us keep the rabbits. Make us tea and sandwiches and drop us back home oh they were the days
  16. I hope so but I doubt he will ever stop squeaking and whining. Not his fault mind if he had been out from a pup 6 years ago he would be a cracker so eager to please. He is here till the day he dies so might as well keep at it as you say
  17. Another one in the bag this morning. New bit of land for me and in full view of the house so I kept the cocker on a long lead so they didn't see him run around like a headless chicken. Soon as I stepped in the field two rabbits hopped in the hedge but the holes were too difficult on my own so I started walking a thinner bit of hedge row. A rabbit broke cover on the other side ran 20 yards and went to ground. I let the dog find the line and he ran around trying to find looking every where apart from the big hole right under his nose. Eventually he spotted the hole stuck his head in and gave
  18. I used to live near walpole wisbech as a kid I remember the big ploughed fields full of hares rabbits and pheasants. Remember the orchards too acres of plums and apples bet the place has changed now a days. Sod all help to you but can't beat a bit of reminiscing
  19. yea sure your right there jj I have not dared do the maths. My plots cost 50 quid a year because I am greedy I got 2 but this year was free because I started end of may, spent 60 on net and a 100 quid on a tiller. Say 40 quid on seed and plants because I was late starting. Got all my seed for next year though apart from spuds and a freezer full of veg but not enough variety to avoid buying some bits inc spuds. Next year pretty expense free apart from 10 grand on slug pellets I think next year if I do it right I can be self sufficient on the veg front and at least break even not that i
  20. Amazing how far rabbits go once they go into the cover some times they can end up fields away and a lot seem to sit out in the cover around here. Real needle in a hay stack some times with out a bushing dog
  21. looking forward to see what they turn out next year. Time is flying another couple of months and off we go
  22. My attempt at a repair today certainly didn't look like above thats for sure. Bit of practice though we will get there. Should tangle a rabbit hopefully and as a backup it would probably die of laughter I think I go wrong at the cutting a section out part Well I think between tc's post and the picture here on post 11 http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/39470-repairing-long-net/ then the splicing lines post here http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/86720-splicing-nylon-twines/ I should be fine in the future. The long netting section makes a good read from the beginning p
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