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Everything posted by terryd

  1. terryd


    I will give that a try once i find cheap delivery option some where
  2. terryd


    All ways had lose tea as kid then swapped over to tea bags save hassle of a tea pot but then found out about these http://www.amazon.co.uk/Stainless-Steel-Tea-Strainer-Handles/dp/B0070MHRQQ/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1388163032&sr=8-5&keywords=tea+infuser saved loads of faffing about as no one else in the family drinks lose tea so its just me. 2 sec job to empty and wash out. Can find much cheaper too with plastic ones. I use twinnings breakfast tea lose I love my tea and some how my 13 year old daughter has learnt to make a superb cup and now I think she wishes she hadn't
  3. Sounded good until I saw the price that will have to go on the back burner
  4. He sounds ideally suited to what you want and a smart fella too
  5. Have a nose at these http://www.agouti-nets.co.uk/tutorials also youtube
  6. men It boils down to long as your happy with them aint got to please any one else just you simple as that sum like sum don't each to there own I like a stayer h if he's trying then I am on the spade merry xmas to you all What he said happy Christmas folks
  7. Just to throw this into the mix too I all ways felt a bayer was a team player like my old dog new if he kept it bottled up I would eventually get to him and lend a hand so he got to win and have a rag it was a team effort. You could tell as you got closer he would start to mix it more as well. Compared to some hard nut job that just see's red from word go and wades in just my opinion
  8. After the last couple of night been waiting for the weather to drop a bit. Forecast looked good tonight for a couple to be out feeding. So this afternoon I ran out the home made one to make sure the net was spread evenly and tidy for tonight as it's not tied in. The wind wasnt quite right blowing across and out towards the rabbits but if I started from one corner I would have passed with the net before they winded me hopefully. It meant laying the net left to right and I struggle doing a half hitch with my left hand. So just to make the wife think I am nuts a ran piece of twine across
  9. I have not dug for years but when I did my russell would stand back and bay he would never come away not that I ever wanted him too. So you either got a bolt or a dig. My cousins jr was the same too and neither of them took any severe punishment which was good. Some of the lads from the valleys had there rock hard lakelands and what nots but I never saw the benefit of a dog that would wade in and taking a beating no matter what and there was all ways the chance of bumping into some thing else which wouldn't end well. A terrier that you could call off just sounds like lacking in drive though
  10. Every one seems to say the whippet and the whippet/bedlingtons have a good temperament. Mine used to be placid and calm as any thing certainly some thing I want in my next dog. Instead of the crazy cocker curled up on me feet farting the house out the little sod
  11. Sticks, brambles and ears oh and a lot of guesswork and waiting and taking a lot of notice of the dog if you had one
  12. Try and find permission then have a good walk around and find any signs of rabbits and holes. Maybe have a wander with a torch as well to see what's about. Pick up a couple of kits in the spring spend the summer handling ready for next winter. Get a few nets together as you go over the summer. Then try a few holes and see how you go. Working with an animal to catch some thing and achieving it is a real buzz. Every time my ferret bolts a rabbit I am as proud as punch of them This one is also good at foot ball As said you can learn a lot by just reading through this section but
  13. I use that ferret oil stuff as a treat now and again and shake a small plastic bottle and they come running. I can have all 3 running around the yard shake that and they all leg it too the hutch. It can be a handy if they emerge in cover to get them to me. When I got my two jills about a year old they were right pain skulking in the holes but loads of handling running around the yard and the oil they are as good as gold
  14. Even if your ip changes your isp will more than likely have a dhcp server log. From that they will know who had the ip at a certain time
  15. Good fun chasing them to ground as I recall also surprising were they go to ground too. Often get lucky and find them in the empty two holer you would try if you didn't have a dog
  16. looks great after the longnetting section this part of the forum comes next I do enjoy the recipes
  17. I do remember we used too but that was 27 years ago the details are a bit foggy it stands out though because I remember collecting eggs
  18. That 410 hush power is handy little gun. Hushpowers are good nice and quiet nice to shoot on a farm with out it sounding like the battle of the alamo
  19. Ah that explains it thank you both I will give that a whirl
  20. Not boring at all some of the old posts make great reading in this section. Trivia is good
  21. I tried to splice lines the other day following this http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/86720-splicing-nylon-twines/ but I couldn't for love nor money pull a doubled over strand up the centre of the other. I was tugging with mole grips the lot in the end I managed to get one end partly pulled up the centre and it was tight as hell so left it at that. I used these needles to get it up the centre http://www.amazon.co.uk/Knitting-Wool-Sewing-Needles-Whitecroft/dp/B00BJM14YO/ref=sr_1_1?s=kitchen&ie=UTF8&qid=1387485427&sr=1-1&keywords=2+x+Knitting+Wool+Sewing+Needles+-+Whi
  22. Best christmas I remember was the year we had big snow down this way the main roads were blocked for a few days too or it may have been few days after.I just remember it cause I could walk the dogs down middle of the main road and went to the shop to spend me fiver present. Spent the lot on cough sweets for some weird reason never breathed so clearly in all me life
  23. Thats good news seems to be a common theme them coming home I didn't they had any homing instinct as such. He must like it there for sure
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