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Everything posted by terryd

  1. Think one slipped by what a prat these celebs need locking up
  2. terryd

    Drew a blank

    Its not an effort and return thing. Its just the process and experience. Hard to put into words
  3. terryd

    Drew a blank

    I know what you mean but slow and steady I guess
  4. terryd

    Drew a blank

    I peg as I go Fred the theory being it saves passing them twice and if they do scoot home once you have passed your net is up. At least thats the plan lol
  5. terryd

    Drew a blank

    I am same. I feel quite comfortable with traditional at least that one
  6. terryd

    Drew a blank

    Yes 50 yards in hide site I should run another 25 its a wide spot they run down too
  7. Oh well I will remember that when my breaks after two minutes lol. I remember as a kid trying a folder and I think i tied it in knots and it didnt last 2 minutes. From that day I stuck with a whopping great steel handled job that could handle any thing. Just now a days you know what its like and its only a rabbit I am after
  8. Reminds me of our old cocker getting in the green food bin once. He just kept eating by time we spotted him he was as wide as he was long. Greedy git. That got messy
  9. I got this coming its an old type and when I did search on here some one mentioned the old ones with wooden handles It a Ex Military Vintage Folding Shovel Spade Camping / Bushcraft lol might be rubbish but old tends to better than new cheap shite. I did see on FB some company making proper digging screw together jobs but I cant afford 90 odd quid Reading your post I got wrong one lol
  10. terryd

    Drew a blank

    Hah yea I thought same Fred. I know what you mean. I have to be honest when ive got a dog I tend to lamp but as she is bit young yet thought I would have a go. Same field a week or two ago had a dozen over the top when I walked through with the pup and lamp on way back to van
  11. But nice to be out. Just the one quick drop. Nice breeze in my face and the old home made handle a treat. Shame no rabbits out but no worries. Got me thinking I wonder how many people in my county were out tonight with a net. Probably just me ?
  12. Regarding the missing woman they should throw dead calf in water with legs tied in and stick a tracker on it and see where it goes. I suspect not far. That might offend some one though so despite being useful would never happen
  13. These things any good ? More for ferreting but you guys are in the know. Need some thing to go in the rucksack ideally
  14. Thank you for posting that Barrie and after reading through that briefing it makes you just want to throw yours hands in the air in despair
  15. With the scotland thing lurcher work never came on the radar simply because there was no one to speak for us. So we just ended up collateral damage. The problem with lurcher folks is a fair few will hop over the fence. Straight away legally we are in the wrong. Regardless of leaving no damage and doing no harm. We are a tricky bunch to legitimize
  16. terryd

    Nice arse

    If this is some sort of honey trap you got a long way to go is all I can say
  17. Don't think any one is defending the video harry. The act its self even though not some thing most of us would do back in the 80's no one would bat an eye. The filming of it done by a supposedly supporter yea is bloody madness like filming any thing illegal. We all know that scotland ban will roll out its just matter of when and that video will certainly help it
  18. If she was in a teams meeting or call who ever was the other end must have some info. The meetings are recorded as well some times. Hard to beleave she placed her phone on the bench then went stood by river which was fair few yards away and slipped in. You would take your phone with you if you fancied a change of scenery.
  19. Yep filming any of it is stupid. Recording any thing thing illegal is just stupid
  20. Fox hounds kill fox. Not very sporting but same would have happened if they had caught it. Not legal but that law is wrong anyway
  21. Every time you put a dog to ground you take a risk same as every time you let a lurcher off the lead. But to knowingly put a dog your attached to into a place where if it goes wrong your not going to be able to help is not for me. I have never worked that sort of ground so no experience in it. But back when I did dig I would pick my spots wisely. Preferably braken banks and not oak woods lol
  22. Mooching dogs and a catty are the future and a sneaky net The days of whipping out ya blitz are going fast
  23. I pay 8 quid a month to basc and would happly pay that to a lurcher org if it included some insurance like the basc one does. Though i will be ditching them if i can ever get through on bloody phone
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