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Everything posted by terryd

  1. Idiots the amount of time I put in making sure that dont happen. An accident can happen but you do your dammedist to avoid it
  2. Yea its crystal clear run of water. Its below some sheep fields though and apparently don't eat raw due to liver fluke ? Might be wrong. Never seen it before and alls fancied trying it. Will have to do a bit more research
  3. You folks more than likely seen them but some good pod casts by the Chris fella
  4. Dam that don't sound good all the best with the recovery
  5. Funny you mention the retrieval my pup is constantly carrying stuff and most part will bring it in. Every walk on way back to van she will drag the most awkward branch going and lug it home. But I all ready sort of know when it comes to fresh game she won't be bringing it in until maybe the novelty has worn off
  6. Yes barb is a menace for sure. Just lethal. Doing well on the squirrels mind. Not easy to catch at all. My pup is obsessed with them though yet to catch. She stalks around like ninja trying. Glad she is happy this morning soon be back at them
  7. mmm then again does look bit like this one Potted Watercress Plants - Tips For Growing Watercress In Containers WWW.GARDENINGKNOWHOW.COM If you love the flavor of watercress, you may be wondering if you can grow them in containers and, if so, how do you grow watercress in pots? Read this article...
  8. Found this stuff growing on a little stream that cut across a newish forestry track. At first I thought I had found some water cress which I have never seen before. But looking at pics on google that looks to not be the case
  9. More mastering good god thats me out
  10. Yes I like that about it. One thing I find though is if I use the corner for reference theres quite a lot going on with it so I have trouble knowing what to line up. But thats a me thing
  11. I got the scout lt which I like. It does both ott and ttf and nice to handle. I still cant hit much ut getting better but thats my issue not the catty Scout LT - Pro-Shot Catapults PROSHOTCATAPULTS.COM Scout LT, FlipClips X, bandset, lanyard, and one pair of scales included. The Scout LT. Lighter. Thinner. More customizable than ever. Introducing the brand new...
  12. terryd

    New gatenet

    Yes all ways handy to have a net in the pocket
  13. terryd

    New gatenet

    Fancied making a hemp one yea I know lol. Got some flax off fourteenacre 5 ply. 16 feet by 6 ish I not the most precise chap. Handles a treat. I went for rings as I find they get in way less than sliders. Just had a mess aout with the pup earlier thats a dummy in her mouth btw lol
  14. Ha brilliant Ray and they are not easy to catch
  15. terryd


    Yea I don't see nothing wrong with it shame the slider has snapped it could come into action next season. Might make one and pop on.
  16. terryd


    I was packing away the ferreting gear today with great reluctance for the season. Pulled out an old bag of nets I don't use. Think I bought them off ebay years ago no idea why as I like to make my own. Found this net no ring one end a wooden slider the other and made with treble thread. Didn't have heart to throw it. Bet it could tell a tale. Might try rejuvenate it Thinking about it bet someone chopped end off stop net lol
  17. terryd


    I was packing away the ferreting gear today with great reluctance for the season. Pulled out an old bag of nets I don't use. Think I bought them off ebay years ago no idea why as I like to make my own. Found this net no ring one end a wooden slider the other and made with treble thread. Didn't have heart to throw it. Bet it could tell a tale. Might try rejuvenate it
  18. If its left to me things are getting grim lol. Don't you fancy it any more smithie?
  19. Yea I know mate theres some good stuff in the old threads dare I say it better than the new
  20. Will make a few of them great idea. Making few gatenets now getting geared up to have some fun with the pup in new season
  21. I tried ttf at the weekend with my scount and was way off the mark. Its taken me long enough to figure things out with ott and I am useless with that so sod it wasnt about to start again and will stick with ott
  22. This video does make me want to give ttf a go
  23. This needs signing Stand up to rural discrimination by Wiltshire Police COUNTRYSIDE-ALLIANCE.AC-PAGE.COM Take action now and stand up to rural discrimination by Wiltshire Police by signing our e-lobby.
  24. People running the place now are thick as pig shit. You would want your rural crime unit to consist of rural people who hunt farm and understand rural life and then they would have there finger on the pulse
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