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Everything posted by terryd

  1. Thank you yes I am lucky to be in good bass area. Home made fried fish tastes much fresher and cleaner than your average chippy. Going by your pics you eat well your self. Good for you enjoy
  2. Bass. Don’t go short of fish so cook it every way I can. Very tasty
  3. terryd


    Only matter time and if they ban trail hunting which looks likely. Tighter gun laws coming absolutely endless
  4. Sad day and they ain’t stopped chipping since
  5. Aye it’s a risky business no doubt. I am saying the same my self right now. Good luck with the pup enjoy
  6. Very exciting to watch whippets look great fun. All ways fancied one but I imagine they break easy and I am done with that
  7. That was some run mchull big heart on the dog. Take care though
  8. Aye gutted. Fast as hell terrific nose and obviously bright as button. Be my last Lurcher. Fat round busher next that don’t break
  9. Don’t get me started lol. Yea had toe off and next ones gone. Been on off lead last 3 months. Futures not bright but lovely dog so see what we can make of it
  10. Not in slightest friendly as can be
  11. My old dog was like that at the start. I went to put him in boot one day and he wouldn’t get in . I thought that’s odd so I gave lead good tug and next thing his teeth was up against my nose. I just thrown rabbit on floor and didn’t think. Nearly took him straight to the vets. We had some big fall outs and he ended up scared of me. I had no choice he was just that sort. We thought world of each other mind and I was actually sad to see him go when time came though slightly relieved . One thing with him no one was ever going to lay a finger on me or the family. He thought world of the kids and
  12. I have ziplex bass my fav rod but the tip section is pain in butt fitting in van. Nice 3 piece would be good idea
  13. I bought half a bitcoin for forty quid and lost it because I had no clue what was I doing. Now worth best part of 40 grand. But no point kiddding my self I would most likely sold it when it was 200 anyway lol
  14. 55 got 2 and 1 due soon. They are great and it’s nice to be alive to see them start life. Bloody hard work mind but Mrs does all the work. When they stay over I tend go fishing a lot
  15. Spring will kick in before you know
  16. Quick couple hours east wind flat sea though
  17. On the subject of boots has any one noticed wellies being so bloody narrow lately. used to grab cheap pair from any where size none sorted. Now a days it’s like they have cut down on rubber. Poxy narrow at the front. Now got spend over 50 bloody quid and even then most makes are narrow. i only ever wear wellies and clock lot miles so they don’t last long. But they need to be comfortable
  18. Ha yea my Lurcher does the same. Not easy this catty lark
  19. Makes sense to me Arry. I started with sets but rubbish all ways bolted. Started sowing from seed and had great crops. Most the year they thing little things then before you know it cracking onions. As you say kept well to
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